Up-conversion luminescence phenomenon of Er~(3+) ions in ErP_5O_(14) noncrystal glass

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a1234578
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The up-conversion luminescence phenomenon was observed in ErP_5O_(14) noncrys-tal glass induced by pulsed DCM dye laser.Based on the difference between up-conversion ex-citation spectrum and absorption of ~4F_(9/2) and dependence of up-conversion fluorescence inten-sity on the exciting wavelength,it is found that the mechanism of up-conversion from ~4F_(9/2)level of ErP_5O_(14) noncrystal glass can not be ascribed to energy transfering between Er~(3+) ions,a seguential absorption of two photons by a single ion should be responsible for these process. The up-conversion luminescence phenomenon was observed in ErP_5O_ (14) noncrys-tal glass induced by pulsed DCM dye laser. Based on the difference between up-conversion ex-citation spectrum and absorption of ~ 4F_ (9/2) and dependence of up -conversion fluorescence inten-sity on the exciting wavelength, it is found that the mechanism of up-conversion from ~ 4F_ (9/2) level of ErP_5O_ (14) noncrystal glass can not be ascribed to energy transfering between Er ~ (3+ ) ions, a seguential absorption of two photons by a single ion should be responsible for these process.
By calculating the momenta of a coupled set of nonlinear equations of laserpulse-plasma wave interaction in the weak relativistic approximation,the conditions
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