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在这几年资本主义国家经济萧条的情况下,很多资本主义国家的半导体事业发展受到了很大的影响。唯独日本的半导体工业不受其经济萧条的影响而发展比较快。从1983年的情况来看这种经济停滞情况仍在继续,预计日本的国民经济总增长率只能达到3%左右。但是。在日本由于积极进行电子工业的改革,在所有企事业部门都采用半导体新技术,因此半导体工业的发展速度很快。预计今年的增长率能达到20%。从去年九月到今年五月,有机会两次去日本进行了短期的考查和学习。参观访问了:东京工业大学、东京大学、大阪大学、名古屋工业大学、东北大学以及电电公司,日立公司等研究所和工厂.与各大学的教授及研究所和工厂的技术人员就有关半导体器件和材料方面的问题进行了有益的讨论.同时也查阅了一些有关方面的资料和参考书。现在就我所了解到的日本半导体事业近况,简单介绍以下四个方面的情况:1.集成电路的发展情况2.砷化镓集成电路的研究3.光电器件的研究4.半导体敏感元件的研究 In the recent economic recession in capitalist countries, the development of the semiconductor industry in many capitalist countries has been greatly affected. Only Japan’s semiconductor industry is not affected by the economic downturn and faster development. Judging from the situation in 1983, the situation of economic stagnation continues. It is estimated that the overall growth rate of the national economy in Japan will only reach about 3%. but. In Japan, due to the active reform of the electronics industry, all enterprises and institutions adopt new semiconductor technologies, so the semiconductor industry has been growing rapidly. This year’s growth rate is expected to reach 20%. From September last year to May this year, there was a chance to go to Japan twice to conduct short-term examinations and studies. Visits to: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University, Osaka University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Northeastern University and Denso Corporation, Hitachi Ltd. Research institutes and factories with universities and research institutes and factories of technical personnel on the semiconductor devices And material aspects of the useful discussion, but also access to some relevant information and reference books. Now I understand the status quo of Japan’s semiconductor business, a brief introduction to the following four aspects: 1. The development of integrated circuits 2. GaAs integrated circuits 3. Optoelectronic devices 4. Semiconductor Sensing components
应用循环伏安和交流阻抗法研究有机溶剂二氯甲烷对二茂铁在离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐(Bm imPF6)中电化学行为的影响.实验表明,二氯甲烷可促进离子液体的离子解离,
Ursolic acid was modified at C3 and C28 position to obtain fourteen derivatives including twelve novel compounds, and their chemical structures were characteriz
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海信日前推出一体化家庭因特网电脑——“海易”,主机和显示器合二为一,一体化流线型彩色设计、晶莹剔透,造型前卫,个性十足。尤为值得称道的是,“海易”采用Built in整合设
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市场上能见到有一种激光针灸机。约1毫瓦的HeNe激光辐照针灸穴位。该机携带 There can be seen on the market a laser acupuncture machine. About 1 milliwatts of HeNe