Synthesis and Anti-tumor Activity of Novel Amide Derivatives of Ursolic Acid

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luminfeng
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Ursolic acid was modified at C3 and C28 position to obtain fourteen derivatives including twelve novel compounds, and their chemical structures were characterized by IR, 1H NMR and MS. Cell growth inhibitory effects of the derivatives against Hela cell were evaluated by MTT assay. All these derivatives were found to have stronger cell growth inhibitory than their parent compound, ursolic acid. The derivatives with a substituted acetyl group at C3 hydroxyl group show better activities than those with an unsubstituted hydroxyl group. Ursolic acid was modified at C3 and C28 position to obtain fourteen derivatives including twelve novel compounds, and their chemical structures were characterized by IR, 1 H NMR and MS. Cell growth inhibitory effects of the derivatives against Hela cell were evaluated by MTT assay. All these derivatives were found to have stronger cell growth inhibitory than their parent compound, ursolic acid. The derivatives with a substituted acetyl group at C3 hydroxyl group show better activities than those with an unsubstituted hydroxyl group.
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