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优秀的广播剧都是有思想的艺术与有艺术的思想的和谐统一。而广播剧的思想性不可能采取独立的方式存在,只能寓于剧作的审美功能之中,通过对人物的艺术描写,创造出完美的艺术形象,表现作者丰富的感情、深邃的思想,从而给人一种审美快感。可以毫不夸张地说,广播剧《万人伞》是一部有思想的艺术与有艺术的思想的和谐统一的艺术精品。最近一经在中央台首播,就引起业内外和广大听众的强烈反响,好评如潮。 Outstanding radio dramas are the harmonious unity of thoughtful art and artful thought. However, the ideology of radio dramas can not exist in an independent way, but only in the aesthetic functions of dramas. Through the artistic depiction of characters, it creates a perfect artistic image, which shows the author’s rich feelings and profound thoughts, thus giving people A kind of aesthetic pleasure. It is no exaggeration to say that the radio drama “Wan Ren Umbrella” is an art work of harmony and unity between thoughtful art and artful thought. Recently, the premiere on CCTV has aroused strong repercussions from both inside and outside the industry as well as from the general public.
本文旨在分析两本不同英语教材的语法材料与语法材料在两本教材中的布局,对语法材料布局进行评价并阐明作者自己的观点。 The purpose of this paper is to analyze the lay
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