女性职工维权难 劳动争议审判新热点

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性别歧视埋下的隐患今年“两会”上,女职工权益保护又成为代表、委员提案的热点。无论是重新确定女职工退休年龄、我国是否应该放开“二胎”政策,还是延长女职工产假至14周,每个提案的提出,都会引来社会的广泛讨论。但值得关注的是,在女性承担越来越多的社会分工同时,涉女职工的劳动争议案件也在逐年增长。据北京市法院不完全统计,2010年涉及女职工维权案件,已占一审劳动争议案件的四成。这里,除去女职工自身维权意识进一步提高,愈加关注自身价值的体现,其面对用人单位的违法行为越来越敢于通过法律途径维护自身权益之外,性别特点成为重要诱因。在就业的竞赛中,在“艰苦岗位,男性优先”“经常出差,男性优先”的条件下,女性往往倒在性别的隐形门槛上,应届女大学生的就业率和男性相比总是黯然失色,而更广大 The hidden dangers of gender discrimination This year “two sessions ”, the protection of the rights and interests of female workers has become a hot topic of representatives, members of the proposal. Whether it is to re-determine the retirement age of female workers, whether our country should liberalize the “second child” policy or extend the maternity leave of female workers to 14 weeks, the proposal of each proposal will lead to extensive discussions in the community. However, it is noteworthy that, while women are assuming more and more social division of labor, the number of labor disputes involving women workers is also increasing year by year. According to the incomplete statistics of the courts in Beijing, the cases concerning the rights protection of female staff and workers in 2010 accounted for 40% of the first instance of labor dispute cases. Here, in addition to further raising the awareness of women workers’ rights protection, paying more and more attention to their own values, the gender characteristics have become an important incentive in the face of the illegal acts of employing units becoming more and more daring to defend their own rights and interests through legal means. In employment competition, women often fall on the invisible threshold of gender under the conditions of “hard work, male priority”, “frequent business trip, and male priority.” The employment rate of fresh college graduates is always lower than that of men Is eclipsed, and more extensive
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一、引言1 背景地球敏感器是地球同步轨道通信卫星的主要姿态敏感器。它的功能是为姿态和轨道控制系统(AOCS)提供俯仰和滚动信息,以便捕获并保持卫星的姿态和天线定向。它是
采用矢通量分裂法对非对称型二维DCR进气分流流场进行了数值模拟,通过求解NS方程组,获得了全场清晰的物理图象,文中对计算结果进行了分析讨论。 Vector flux splitting method was u