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有人说,“新闻是时间的易碎品”,这是新闻界的一句行话,作为在新闻战线上为新闻事业奋斗了多年的新闻工作者,我的确目睹了许多易碎、易逝的新闻,它们像昨日的气象预报与去年的年历一样失去了价值,带着短短的时效性消失在时间与历史的长河中,天色无味,无声无息,无从打捞。然而,也有些经典新闻不仅不碎于时间,却被时间的流水洗濯得更加晶莹,一如范长江先生写于20世纪30年代的新闻作品《中国的西北角》。直到半个世纪后,我两度去西北,以记者的身份重走中国的西北角,一路下来,发现竟和60年前范长江先生所走的践线颇多相似,辗转几千里,身边也仅带着一本薄薄的、只有九毛钱定价的小册子。那发黄的封面,即是当年大西北的颜色,也是流逝了半个多世纪的岁月的颜色。重新打开他在艰难时日中写下的新闻作品,尤其是在广漠的大西北边走边读,你会发现,甚至他在三十年代提出的 Some people say that “news is a fragile product of time.” This is an accusation made by the press. As a journalist who has worked for journalism for many years on the information front, I have indeed witnessed many fragile and perishable news stories, Like yesterday’s meteorological forecasts, they lose their value as they did in last year’s calendar. With a short timeliness disappearing in time and history, they are tasteless, silent and can not be salvaged. However, there are also some classic news not only not broken in time, but also washed away by the passage of time more crystal, as Mr. Fan Changjiang wrote in the 1930s news work “China’s northwestern corner.” Until half a century later, I twice went to the northwest and re-took the reporter’s identity as the northwestern corner of China. All the way down, I found out that I was actually similar to the line taken by Mr. Fan Changjiang 60 years ago. With only a thin booklet priced only nine cents. That yellow cover, which is the color of the Northwest that year, but also the passage of more than half a century of color. Reopening the news work he wrote down in difficult times, especially as he walks along the vast northwestern part of the globe, you will find that even he put it forward in the thirties
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