
来源 :山东视听(山东省广播电视学校学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveging87
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尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、同志们: 金秋九月,我们迎来了又一个收获的季节。今天,山东电视台喜迎45岁华诞,山东广播电视总台1200平米演播大厅首次启用,山东电视青少频道隆重开播。三件大事、三喜临门,标志着山东广电事业的发展又跨上了一个新台阶。在这令人难忘的历史时刻,张高丽书记、韩寓群省长对山东电视台建台45周年致信祝贺,充分肯定山东电视台建台45年来取得的成就,对加快山东广播电视事业发展提出了殷切希望。王敏部长出席今天的活动并作了重要讲话, 这都充分体现了省委、省政府对广播电视工作的关心和重视,使我们深受鼓舞和鞭策。在此,我代表省广电局党组和全体员工,向长期以来关心、支持山东广播电视事业发展的省领导和各部门领导同志,向长期以来无私给予帮助的市、县广电系统的同志们表示衷心的感谢!向多年来为山东电视台和山东电视事业的发展做出重要贡献的新老电视人表示由衷的敬意! Dear leaders, ladies and gentlemen, Comrades: Autumn in September, we have ushered in another harvest season. Today, Shandong TV celebrates its 45th birthday. The first broadcast hall of Shandong Radio and Television with a total floor area of ​​1,200 square meters is opened. The youth channel of Shandong TV is grandly launched. Three major events, three approaching, marking the development of radio and television industry in Shandong has stepped into a new level. In this unforgettable historic moment, Secretary Zhang Gaoli and Governor Han Yuqun sent a letter of congratulation on the 45th anniversary of the founding of Shandong TV Station. They fully affirmed the achievements made by Shandong Television Station in the 45 years since its establishment and raised its ardent hopes for speeding up the development of the radio and television industry in Shandong. . Minister Min Wang’s attendance at today’s event and his important speech made full expression to the concern and importance attached by the provincial party committee and the provincial government to radio and television work and we are greatly encouraged and spurned by it. Here, on behalf of the party and team of the provincial radio and television bureau and all staff, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the leaders and leaders of various departments who have long been concerned about and support the development of Shandong radio and television industry and to the comrades in the radio and television system of cities and counties who have long been selflessly giving help. Thank you! New and old TV people who have made important contributions to the development of Shandong TV station and Shandong TV industry over the years express my sincere respect!
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目的:  研究鞭毛内运输蛋白25(Ift25)对小鼠精子鞭毛的形成的影响以及对雄性生育的作用。  方法:  1.Ift25flox/flox的雌性小鼠与Stra8-iCre雄鼠杂交得到stra8-iCre;If
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有人赞同,有人反对;有人认为是走过场,有人认为很成功——其实,听证会的意义就在于此,让多元化的声音有表达的舞台,决策因此而变得更加科学、更加符合民意。 Some people ag
目的本研究以邻苯二甲酸二乙基已基酯(Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate,DEHP)为受试物,以青春期雄性大鼠为研究对象,研究DEHP的生殖毒性以及锌/JAZF1调控TR4在DEHP致精子发生障碍中的作用及部分机制。方法1、将32只健康40日龄清洁级雄性SD大鼠按体重随机分为4组,分别为溶剂对照(玉米油)组和250、500、1 000mg/kg DEHP染毒组,每组8只。采用灌胃方式