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《贵州档案》93/2刊载农玉梅的《小议跟踪》,该文认为,做好“跟踪”工作,是监督、检查科技文件材料的形成及其齐全、完整性的重要途径。现将该文第二部分“如何跟踪”转摘如下。 1、定期跟踪各种人物。科技活动是多种多样的,但决定科技工作质量的却是同一个因素,那就是人。只有抓住了第一因素,其他问题才会迎刃而解。A、跟踪主要负责人;B、跟踪单项活动负责人及参加具体工作的人员;C、跟踪出国考察人员、外出进修及参加各种学术会议的人员。这三部分科技人员最了解科技活动的全过程及各阶段的进展情况,跟踪他们可以掌握各项科技活动的进程,明了各阶段应该形成的文件材料。 2、参加各种会议。如技术协调会、方案论证会、学术讨论会等。参加这些会议,一方面可以了解各方面的 “Guizhou Archives” 93/2 published Nong Yumei’s “Small Track”, which holds that doing a good job of “tracking” is an important way to supervise and examine the formation and completeness of scientific and technological documents. Now the second part of the article “how to track” transfer is as follows. 1, regular tracking of various characters. There are many scientific and technological activities, but the same factor that determines the quality of scientific and technological work is people. Only by grasping the first factor, other problems will be solved. A, tracking the main person in charge; B, tracking the individual activities responsible person and participate in specific work personnel; C, follow-up study abroad personnel, go to school and attend various academic conference personnel. These three parts of scientific and technological personnel are most familiar with the whole process of scientific and technological activities and the progress of each stage. They track the progress of various scientific and technological activities and understand the documents and materials that should be formed in each stage. 2, to participate in various meetings. Such as technical coordination, program demonstration, seminars and so on. To participate in these meetings, on the one hand can understand all aspects
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《花腔》整个的构架仍然借用破解悬疑和追索秘案来搭建——讲述一个叫葛任的人的生死之谜 ,可以说它以此恪守了“小说要讲故事”的要义。但是 ,我们一旦着道 ,迅速被它抓牢的