
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sycamorelee
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Objectives: The present study was undertaken to determine the risk of strabismus and ambylopia in children who underwent operation for hydrocephalus and to compare our results with those in previous studies. Methods: Full orthoptic and ophthalmological examinations, including cycloplegic refraction, were performed in all subjects. Results: Ten of 25 patients (40%) were found to have manifest squint. Four of these had esotropia and six had exotropia. No paretic squint or alphabetic pattern strabismus was determined. Refraction measurements revealed amblyogenic refractive errors (significant refractive errors that cause amblyopia) in five of the 25 (20%) patients in this study. Strabismus and the risk of amblyopia were found to be significantly higher in patients who experienced shunt revision than those who had not (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Amblyopia, strabismus, and other acquired defects in the visual system related to hydrocephalus should be closely monitored and treated when indicated. Regular ophthalmic supervision will provide and help to maintain the best possible standard of vision in children with hydrocephalus. Methods: Full orthoptic and ophthalmological examinations, including cycloplegic refraction, were performed in all subjects Four of these had esotropia and six had exotropia. No paretic squint or alphabetic pattern strabismus was determined. Refraction measurements revealed amblyogenic refractive errors (significant refractive errors that cause Amblyopia) in five of the 25 (20%) patients in this study. Strabismus and the risk of amblyopia were found to be significantly higher in patients who experienced shunt revision than those who had not (P <0.05). Conclusion: Amblyopia, strabismus , and other acquired defects in the visual system related to hydrocephalus should be directly monitored and treated when indicated Regular ophthalmic supervision will provide and help to maintain the best possible standard of vision in children with hydrocephalus.
工伤事故的发生是由多种因素造成的,其中以下五种因素对于引起工伤事故的危险性最大。 酒:酒是引发意外事故的“罪鬼祸首”。酒进入人体后使全身血管扩张,血液循环加速,引起头晕
1978年5月,神州大地上正因为一篇名为《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》的文章,展开惊心动魄的思想大交锋,为未来三十年的改革开放事业奠定了基调。 In May 1978, because of an
[摘要] 我国正在进行的社会主义市场经济体制改革,是我国经济体制改革的深刻变革。体制的变革需要政府职能的转变,需要从观念到管理体制的转变,这是经济体制改革的必然要求。  [关键词] 市场经济; 体制改革; 政府职能  [中图分类号] D630.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-1962(2003)20-0031-02  任何国家经济体制的改革都将会引起
摘 要 对中学生社会实践能力培养是必要的,但当前中学生社会实践能力缺乏,本文充分分析这一现象产生的原因,进而提出相关对策,以期对培养中学生的社会实践能力,适应市场竞争,增强生存力有所帮助。  【关键词】中学生;社会实践能力;缺失成因;对策研究  社会实践能力是学生以学科知识为依托,把学科知识直接或间接地运用于社会实践活动,形成社会认知、社会兴趣、社会行动三位一体的性格动力系统,从而了解社会,认识社