奇香烤蛋 矿化盐皮蛋 特色掘开大金矿

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2013年10月15日《成都商报》登载新闻:伍佰元货款变三万五,四川广安市曹军建夫妇主动告知客户并立即退还多汇款项34500元,客户赞其道德高尚。诚实做人是发明家曹军建的人生信条。目前,他已经获得13项国家发明专利、33项专利授权,发明专利和事迹曾被中央电视台等媒体专题报道。他结合卤蛋、皮蛋、盐蛋三项技术发明了矿化盐皮蛋,增加了有益于人体的矿物质,使得盐皮蛋既美味又营养,蛋清富有弹性,蛋黄砂酥,味美醇香,一枚禽蛋,多种美味,无铅工艺生产,既没有 October 15, 2013 “Chengdu Business Daily” Published: Wu Baiyuan goods changed thirty-five, Guang’an City, Sichuan Province, Cao Junjian and his wife take the initiative to inform the customer and immediately return 34,500 yuan more money, customers like its moral high. Honest man is inventor Cao Junjian life creed. At present, he has obtained 13 national invention patents, 33 patents, invention patents and deeds once been covered by the media such as CCTV. He combines the brine egg, preserved egg, salt and egg three technologies invented the mineralized preserved eggs, increased beneficial to the human body minerals, making the salt preserved eggs both delicious and nutritious, egg white and elastic, egg yolk crisp, mellow mellow, a bird Egg, a variety of delicious, lead-free process, neither
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石86—5144是石家庄地区农科所1981年用〔(765017×山前)F_1×75—78〕F_4 做母本、94354做父本育成的小麦新品种。1992年河北省品种审定委员会审定通过,准予推广。一、主要