Succession of Soil Acidity Quality and its Influence on Soil Phosphorus Types

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djy0702
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Succession rules of soil acidity quality of larch plantations in first rotation at different development stages, succession rules of soil acidity quality of young stand of larch plantations in second rotation and the relationship between soil acidity and various forms of organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus were studied in mountainous area of eastern part of Northeastern China. The results showed that active acidity (pH value) inrhizosphere soil decreased continually with stand age increasing from young stand, half-mature stand, near mature stand to mature stand, but active acidity (pH value) in non-rhizosphere soil, exchange acidity, exchangeable aluminium, total hydrolytic acidity, and the ratio of exchange acidity and total hydrolytic acidity in rhizosphere soil and in non-rhizosphere soil increased apparently; total organic P, moderately resistant organic P, and highly resistant organic P in soil decreased at all age stages in larch plantations when soil acidity added. For rhizosphere soil of Succession rules of soil acidity quality of larch plantations in first rotation at different development stages, succession rules of soil acidity quality of young stand of larch plantations in second rotation and the relationship between soil acidity and various forms of organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus were studied in mountainous area of ​​eastern part of Northeastern China. The results showed that active acidity (pH value) inrhizosphere soil decreased continually with stand age increasing from young stand, half-mature stand, near mature stand to mature stand, but active acidity (pH value) in non-rhizosphere soil, exchange acidity, exchangeable aluminum, total hydrolytic acidity, and the ratio of exchange acidity and total hydrolytic acidity in rhizosphere soil and in non-rhizosphere soil increased apparently; total organic P, moderately resistant organic P, and highly resistant organic P in soil decreased at all age stages in larch plantations when soil acidity added. For r hizosphere soil of
【摘要】语音是语言教学的基础,小学阶段是对语音最敏感的时期,语音是小学英语教学中的重点,启蒙阶段的英语教师将对小学生的英语学习有着深远的影响。但目前农村小学英语教师语音普遍存在问题,本文在调研基础上对其产生的原因进行分析,并提出了相应对策。  【关键词】农村 小学英语 语音素养  2001年国家教育部颁布了《关于积极推进小学开设英语课程的指导意见》,从当年秋季起,全国城市和县城小学三年级开设英语课
简要介绍了沙钢宽厚板轧机生产线的工艺平面布置特点、产品方案、主要设备技术性能、采用的先进技术以及投产运行半年的生产情况。 Briefly introduces the characteristics
——绿大壮 ⒈产品特点 本产品(由哈尔滨恒华复合肥有限公司制造)系根据各种作物生长发育高产优质的营养需要专门配方,采用多种有益微生物菌株复配组合而成。本品施