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由江苏省常州市三利电器公司董事长吴荣华发明的“三相工频电磁感应加热装置” ,日前获得国家知识产权局颁发的专利证书 ,这一装置能将电能转化为磁热能。据介绍 ,这项装置由磁钢与铁心两种不同材料构成三相导磁体 ,形成一个闭合的三相磁回路。当围绕在铁心上的三相绕线接通三 The “three-phase power frequency electromagnetic induction heating device” invented by Wu Ronghua, chairman of Sanli Electric Company of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, recently obtained a patent certificate issued by the State Intellectual Property Office. This device can convert electrical energy into magnetic heat energy. According to reports, this device consists of magnetic steel and iron core two different materials constitute a three-phase magnet, forming a closed three-phase magnetic circuit. When connected to the three-phase winding on the core three
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