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目的掌握宿迁市流行性感冒(简称流感)的流行特征及流行优势毒株的变化趋势,为制定流感防治策略提供科学依据。方法收集宿迁市流感监测哨点医院的流感样病例(ILI)数据、病原学检测结果和暴发疫情资料进行分析。结果宿迁市流感监测哨点医院2014年ILI占门急诊病例就诊总数的比例(ILI%)在2.82%~7.50%之间,呈现冬春季流行高峰;流感高发人群为14岁以下婴幼儿及儿童,占全部病例的97.43%;累计采集监测ILI标本1 076份,检出流感阳性标本143份,阳性率为13.29%;ILI的高峰与流感病毒检测阳性情况基本一致;2起ILI暴发疫情均发生于冬季。结论宿迁市ILI%比较平稳,有冬春季流行高峰,病例以小年龄组居多。加强学校等人群聚集性场所暴发疫情监测,建议通过扩大流感监测网络进一步加强流感监测工作。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of influenza in the city of Suqian and the trends of the epidemic-dominant strains in order to provide a scientific basis for the development of influenza prevention and control strategies. Methods Influenza-like illness cases (ILI) data from the influenza surveillance sentinel hospitals in Suqian City were collected, and the results of pathogen tests and outbreaks were analyzed. Results In 2014, the proportion of cases with ILI accounting for outpatient and emergency services (ILI%) ranged from 2.82% to 7.50%, showing a peak in winter and spring. The infants and children with high flu incidence were infants under 14 years of age, Accounting for 97.43% of the total cases. A total of 1 076 ILI samples were collected and collected, and 143 positive samples were detected, the positive rate was 13.29%. The peak of ILI was basically the same as the positive detection of influenza virus. winter. Conclusion The ILI% of Suqian City is relatively stable with the peak of winter and spring epidemics, with the majority of cases being in the younger age group. We will intensify the monitoring of outbreaks of outbreaks in clusters of places such as schools and suggest that the surveillance of influenza should be further strengthened by expanding the influenza surveillance network.
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