
来源 :山东政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimiwison
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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校:《国务院批转公安部关于推进小城镇户籍管理制度改革意见的通知》(国发[2001]6号)已翻印发给你们。现根据我省国民经济与社会发展的实际和加快推进城市化进程的客观要求,提出以下意见,请一并贯彻执行。一、认真推进小城镇户籍管理制度改革适应经济与社会迅速发展的需要,全面推进小城镇户籍管理制度改革,对于加速提高城镇化水平,引导农村剩余劳动力合理有序转移,实现人口资源、人才资源优化配置,促进城乡经济持续协调发展,具有十分重要的意义。各级政府、各有关部门要遵循“三个有利于”的原则,进一步解放思想,更新观念,从经济与社会发展的大局出发,切实加强领导,强化措施,及时协调解决工作中遇到的问题,确保小城镇户籍管理制度改革顺利进行,推动我省城市化及经济与社会的协调健康发展。 Municipalities and people’s governments, counties (cities, districts) people’s governments, provincial government departments, all directly affiliated institutions, major enterprises and colleges and universities: “The State Council approved the Ministry of Public Security’s advice on promoting the reform of the household registration system in small cities and towns” (Guo Fa [2001] No. 6) has been reprinted to you. Now based on the reality of our province’s national economy and social development and the objective requirements of accelerating the process of urbanization, we hereby put forward the following opinions and please implement them together. First, conscientiously promote the reform of household registration management system in small towns to meet the needs of rapid economic and social development, comprehensively promote the reform of household registration management systems in small towns, and accelerate the improvement of urbanization level so as to guide the rational and orderly transfer of rural surplus labor and achieve population and human resources It is of great significance to optimize the allocation and promote the sustained and coordinated development of urban and rural economy. Governments at all levels and all relevant departments should abide by the principle of “three benefits”, further emancipate their minds and update their concepts, proceed from the overall economic and social development, and earnestly strengthen leadership and strengthen measures in a timely manner to coordinate and solve work encounters Ensure the smooth implementation of the reform of household registration management system in small towns and promote the urbanization of our province and the coordinated and healthy economic and social development.
妈妈:我都已经升六年级了,你为什么还要帮我安排时间呢?能不能让我自己计划每天写作业、看书、练琴的时间啊?我想,那样我会更开心地去做这些事的。裘韵 Mom: I have all bee
本文讨论了西周历法的月首、年首和四个特殊的记日用语——初吉、既生霸、既望、既死霸,提出了一些新的见解。 This article discusses the lunar calendar, the first luna