今年以来,“三农”问题倍受关注,各地认真贯彻落实中央“一号文件”精神和扶持发展粮食生产的政策措施,农业与农村经济发展面临的有利因素增多,一季度农业与农村经济发展势头良好。但当前农业与农村经济运行中仍存在一些值得关注的问题,需要引起重视并切实加以解决。 一、农业与农村经济运行的基本情况 (一)农林牧渔业总产出平稳增长。据初步统计,一季度全国共实现农林牧渔业总产出达到4834亿元,按可比价计算,同比增长4.6%,增速与上年
Since the beginning of this year, the issue concerning agriculture, farmer and rural areas has drawn much attention. The central authorities have conscientiously implemented the “One Document” spirit of the Central Government and policies and measures for supporting the development of grain production. The favorable factors for the development of agriculture and rural economy have increased. In the first quarter, The momentum is good. However, there are still some issues of concern in the current operation of agriculture and rural economy, which need to be given priority attention and actually solved. First, the basic situation of agriculture and rural economy (a) the total output of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery increased steadily. According to preliminary statistics, in the first quarter, the total output of agriculture, forestry, husbandry and fishery in the country reached 483.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.6%