Thermal Characterization and Decomposition Kinetics of Free Anthraquinones from Rhubarb

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoqiangshou
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The thermal behaviour of aloe-emodin, chrysophanol and physcion and their kinetics have been investigated under non-isothermal conditions by means of differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermal characteristics have been determined using the DTA and TG-DTG curves. The non-isothermal kinetic data were analyzed by means of the Achar method and the Madhusudanan-Krishnan-Ninan (MKN) method. The possible reaction mechanisms have been investigated by comparing the kinetic parameters. The kinetic equation for aloe-emodin, chrysophanol and physcion can be expressed as dα/dt=Aexp(-E/RT)1/3(1-α) [-ln(1-α)]-2. The activation energy E (kJ mol-1) of the three free anthraquinones are 78.09, 89.54, and 107.5 and their lnA/s-1 are 22.98, 36.85 and 43.60, respectively. The thermal behavior of aloe-emodin, chrysophanol and physcion and their kinetics have been investigated under non-isothermal conditions by means of differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermal characteristics have been determined using the DTA and TG-DTG The non-isothermal kinetic data was analyzed by means of the Achar method and the Madhusudanan-Krishnan-Ninan (MKN) method. The possible reaction mechanisms have been investigated by comparing the kinetic parameters. The kinetic equation for aloe-emodin, chrysophanol and physcion can be expressed as dα / dt = Aexp (-E / RT) 1/3 (1 -α) [-ln (1- α)] - 2. The activation energy E (kJ mol- 1) of the three free anthraquinones are 78.09, 89.54, and 107.5 and their lnA / s-1 are 22.98, 36.85 and 43.60, respectively.
1968年GeorgeSnell首次提出分子模拟 (molecularmimicry)的概念 ,并认为组织相容性复合物 (majorhistocom patibilitycomplex ,MHC)所编码的HLA分子和病毒编码的某一肽段序列
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A wet catalytic oxidation at room temperature was investigated with solution containing ferric, ferrous and cupric ions for H2S removal. The experiments were ca
资料和方法  慢性肥大性扁桃体炎患者200例,男124例,女76例;年龄6~36岁,其中12~18岁79例,>18岁32例;扁桃体肥大Ⅱ度120例,Ⅲ度80例;就诊前1年内急性发作3次以上40例,不足3次34例;伴吞咽障碍17例,有呼吸障碍及打鼾13例, Material
春节前夕,湖南邰阳县的315户灾民陆续迁入四个灾民新村安居。 1994年8月6日,一场特大瀑雨袭击邰阳城乡大地,特大洪水顷刻间吞噬了河边乡的栗山、河边,杨青乡的杨田,罗城乡的
俯视的角度能使人更清晰地了解事态,就好像航拍的画面总能给人以最直观的感受。 可见,从高处向下看,是洞悉,是透彻,是一种人生智慧。  “大行不顾细谨,大礼不辞小让”是沛公之参乘樊哙的政治智慧。 鸿门宴的危急关头,刘邦拘泥于礼节,优柔寡断,而旁观者樊哙则看清本质,勇闯营帐,智救刘邦,从战略全局的高度,劝说刘邦做大事不能囿于一隅。 可以说,正因为樊哙拥有足够高的智慧与胆识,才在危难关头保全了刘邦,最终成