统筹兼顾 综合治理

来源 :中国物价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freebird_china
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1990年新年来到了。这是进一步治理整顿、深化改革的一年,也是物价工作面临严峻形势和艰巨任务的一年。说形势严峻,是因为就物价工作而言,既有有利条件,又存在相当严重的困难。经过1989年的努力,治理整顿已经 The new year arrived in 1990. This is a year of further governing and rectifying and deepening reforms. It is also a year when price work is facing a grim situation and an arduous task. It is said that the situation is grave because it has both favorable conditions and considerable difficulties in terms of price work. After 1989 efforts, governance and reorganization
Passage OneQuestions21to25are based on the following passage.Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment availablein
从本期起,本刊试设“经济热线”栏目,向读者介绍有关当前经济领域热门话题的信息,尤其是有关经济管理方面的政策信息,以增进交流,活跃思路,利于新的决策和操作。 From this
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Aory tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the
不要说:“这件商品我们店没有。”应该说:“您需要的商品,我将尽力替您想办法。”——英国利润大的商品,不是最好的商品;顾客喜爱的商品,才是最好的商品。——日本 Don’t
如何尽快改变市场上部分商品销售疲软的状况,目前已成为政府、企业和群众都关心的事。笔者为此约请了几位普通消费者提出自己的意见和建议。请听—— How to change the si
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