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糯玉米新品系PN07-7是甘肃省平凉市农业科学研究所以稳定自交系PN31为母本,PN29为父本选育的杂交种。2008—2011年的品比试验中,鲜果穗折合平均产量20361kghm2,较对照中糯一号增产10%左右。高抗黑穗病、玉米瘤黑粉病和大小斑病。子粒含水率70%,粗淀粉833.1gkg,粗蛋白85.3gkg,粗脂肪43.5gkg,赖氨酸3.56gkg。适宜在甘肃省海拔1500m以下的川水地和肥力较好的旱地种植。 The new waxy corn line PN07-7 is a hybrid of PN29 with PN29 as the male parent and PN29 as the male parent of Pingliang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Gansu Province. In the 2008-2011 ratio test, the average yield of fresh ears was 20361kghm2, which was about 10% higher than that of the control. High resistance to smut, maize smut and spot disease. Seed moisture content 70%, crude starch 833.1gkg, crude protein 85.3gkg, crude fat 43.5gkg, lysine 3.56gkg. It is suitable to grow in the rivers and lakes with a fertility of 1500m above sea level in Gansu Province.
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番茄春季大棚栽培早熟、丰产、经济效益较高,近年来种植面积稳定并有所扩大。笔者就番茄春季早熟大棚栽培技术进行分析。 Tomato spring cultivation of early maturing, hi