Rapid evaluation method for the normal lifetime of an infrared light-emitting diode

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiugeqingjiao
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Based on the Arrhenius model,a rapid evaluation method for an infrared diode’s normal lifetime is proposed,andthetheoreticalmodelisconstructed.Acceleratedlifetestingofaninfraredlight-emittingdiode(IRLED),which takes less time than usual,is carried out under temperature and electric current stress.Using this method,the activation energy and the IRLED’s normal lifetime are calculated and analyzed. Based on the Arrhenius model, a rapid evaluation method for an infrared diode’s normal lifetime is proposed, and the theoretical modeledconstructed.Acceleratedlifetestingofaninfraredlight- emittingdiode (IRLED), which takes less time than usual, is carried out under temperature and electric current stress. Using this method, the activation energy and the IRLED’s normal lifetime are calculated and analyzed.
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