又到新一年报刊征订的时候了,各级宣传部门都在层层部署落实征订工作。但一些单位却打起了“小九九”,认为自已配置了电脑,又上了互联网,只要轻轻地打开电脑,国际国内大事一览无余,无所不知,征订报刊是多此一举。于是征订能减就减,尽量压缩这方面的开支。但笔者对此却不敢苟同。 网络是一种新兴的媒体,与传统媒体相比,具有信息量大、时效性强、传播速度快、图文并茂的特点。网络上浩如烟海的信息,内容涵盖全球的政治、经济、文化、体育等各个领域,极大地开阔了读者的视野和思路,广受人们的欢迎。但这并不能说明网络就能替代报刊。网络与刊报相比,也有很多不足之处。首先,网络不如报刊普及。现在,电脑虽然逐步进入了寻常百姓家,但是大多数家庭对电脑还是望尘莫及,特别是经济不发达的农村,电脑还是商
It is time for the subscription of newspapers and periodicals in the new year, and the publicity departments at all levels have deployed the fulfillment work at various levels. However, some units have hit upon “Little 99” and think that with their own computers and Internet access, as long as they gently turn on the computers, they have sweeping views of major domestic and international affairs and know everything about them. Therefore, the reduction can be reduced, as much as possible to reduce the expenses in this area. However, I do not agree with this. Network is a new media, compared with the traditional media, with a large amount of information, timeliness, speed of communication, illustrated features. The vast network of information, covering the global political, economic, cultural, sports and other fields, greatly broadened the reader’s vision and ideas, widely welcomed by people. But this does not mean that the Internet will replace newspapers. Compared with the newspaper network, there are many shortcomings. First of all, the network is not as popular as newspapers. Although the computer has now gradually entered the homes of ordinary people, most families are still beyond the reach of computers, especially in economically underdeveloped rural areas where computers are still used by business people