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山区铁路在担负国家能源、工业原料和农副产品运输以及国防建设方面,具有重要的地位,因此应该有计划地进行线路大修。有些关键干线提早实施电气化,线路大修工作相应成为要紧迫解决的问题。由于山区线路坡度大、曲线半径小、桥隧多,构成了它与平坦地区线路有别的矛盾特殊性。现行施工方法能否行得通,机械设备是否用得上,应该怎样干等问题急待人们去思考。回顾我队在山区施工的经历,以下几点体会是比较深刻的。 The mountainous railway has an important position in shouldering the transportation of national energy, industrial raw materials, agricultural and sideline products, and national defense. Therefore, overhauling of the railway line should be carried out in a planned way. Some key trunk electrification early implementation of the line overhaul accordingly become an urgent problem to be solved. Due to the large slope of mountainous lines, small curve radius and large number of bridges and tunnels, it possesses the unique contradiction between it and the flat areas. Whether the current construction methods can work well, whether the machinery and equipment should be used properly, and how to deal with such issues as to urgently people to think. Recalling my team in the construction of the mountain experience, the following experience is more profound.
当任何一个配置参数层次是 changed.However 时,表演测试被改变象容器,入口宽度和平均的沙收集率从80%~90%的锥 height.The 结果表演的直径那样的一个刺绣花样的主要配置参数在
亳州路北段,不长,不过一里多一点吧。向南,紧紧咬着滩溪路(一环);朝北,尾部甩了个半弧,与电厂路相接。切着外弧,座落着建材一厂(原名建华窑厂)和新建的畅园小区、公交车站站房。 这条路,
Kazakhstan regions is seasonal climatic with transient freezing of soil ground during the winter. Roadbed integrity is important to resist the sustained load tr
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