Keeping Cautious in Optimistic Tire Market this Year

来源 :中国橡胶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LOVEmayicomein
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In 2013,Chinese tire industry went through a “cautious and optimistic” year.At the beginning of the year,people held a pessimistic attitude towards the situation for the whole year and the sales situation of tires in the first half year was not good,either.However,due to the increase of American economy,slow recovery of European market,fast development of Chinese auto,and fluctuation of rubber price at the low level,Chinese tire market turned better from the second half year.The sales volume,export,profit and other indicators of tires in the whole year kept the double-digit growth,reaching the highest level in the past 3 years.Going into 2014,people are also optimistic for the tire industry.Most insiders still hold an optimistic attitude towards the trend of the tire market this year,who also think the fierce market competition will be further intensified,so people need to be cautious in the optimism and focus on such changes as production capacity,market demand and rubber price on the influence of tire industry.
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