1 病例报告患者女,46岁。因诉干咳40余天,加重伴呼吸困难13天于2000—09—26入院。发病后无畏寒、发热、喘息、胸闷、胸痛、咯血等。13天前出现中度阵发性咳嗽,仍无痰,感明显呼吸困难,并伴乏力、多汗等,到某医院就诊。胸部透视示左侧胸腔积液,疑结核性胸膜炎,转市结核病防治所诊治。胸片检查示左侧中等量胸腔积液、左肺中下部有一致密阴影,试行抗结核治疗,症状未见好转。1周前无意中于右颈部和左侧乳房各扪及一肿物,感呼吸困难加重,不能平卧。为求进一步诊治转入我院。过去史、个人史无特殊。血压110/90mmHg。神志清楚,被动体位(右侧卧位)。于头顶部、头枕部、右颈部、左乳房和左侧腹壁皮下均可触及大小不等的肿物。约(0.3cm×0.4cm)~(1.5cm×2.51cm),质硬,表面光滑,形状不甚规则,活动度好,无压痛。口唇轻度紫绀。
1 case report female patient, 46 years old. He complained of dry cough for more than 40 days, he was aggravated with dyspnea for 13 days and was admitted to hospital from 2000 to 09-26. No chills, fever, wheezing, chest tightness, chest pain, hemoptysis, etc. after onset. There were moderate paroxysmal coughs 13 days ago. There was still no sputum. The patient was obviously dyspneic and was accompanied by fatigue, sweating, etc., and went to a hospital for treatment. Chest fluoroscopy shows the left side of the pleural effusion, suspected tuberculous pleurisy, transfer to the tuberculosis prevention and treatment institute diagnosis and treatment. Chest radiographs showed a moderate amount of left pleural effusion on the left side and a dense shadow on the left and right lower lungs. The antituberculosis treatment was tried and the symptoms did not improve. One week ago, inadvertently in the right neck and left breast and a tumor, feeling difficulty breathing worse, can not lie. For further diagnosis and treatment transferred to our hospital. There is no special history or personal history. Blood pressure 110/90mmHg. Conscious, passive position (right lateral position). At the top of the head, the head occipital region, the right neck, the left breast, and the left abdomen wall can touch tumors of various sizes subcutaneously. About (0.3cm × 0.4cm) ~ (1.5cm × 2.51cm), hard, smooth surface, irregular shape, good activity, no tenderness. Mild cyanotic lips.