纺织服装批发市场系列报道 不败的上海滩传奇——上海轻纺市场掠影

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上海,国内最有国际化气质的都市,商业色彩极其浓厚。也许正是因为这一点,在上海,不见硝烟的商业争斗从未停歇。在纺织市场这一领域间的较量,早在4年前就已打响。对此业内人士深有感触,4年前,上海就曾出现过一次纺织服装市场开发热潮,现如今,这一开发热潮气势更加浩大。“仅七浦路一条街,从河南北路到浙江北路,方圆不足一平方公里范围内,除已开业的市场,新开发的市场就不下10余家,更有多家还正在大兴土木,最终的结果就是:要么共赢,要么实力弱的被淘汰出局。”一位业内人士这样感慨。今天,白手起家的传奇很难续写,纺织市场领域更多的是商业地产的介入,每个新市场的投入资金都是天文数字,伴随着产出的是豪华的硬件设施、庞大的市场规模。面对新兴市场咄咄逼人的气势,10多年前建成的上海市轻纺市场不但没有出局,反而越做越大。谈到新市场是否对其构成冲击时,上海市轻纺市场总经理赵英雄嘴角露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。 Shanghai, the most cosmopolitan city in the world, the commercial color is extremely strong. Perhaps it is precisely because of this, in Shanghai, the smokeless commercial battle has never ceased. The contest in this area of ​​the textile market started as early as four years ago. This industry deeply touched, 4 years ago, Shanghai had a textile and apparel market development craze, and now, the momentum of this development boom even more vast. “Only seven Pu Road, a street, from North Henan Road to Zhejiang North Road, a radius of less than one square kilometer range, in addition to the opening of the market, the newly developed market no less than 10, more than a few are still substantial projects, the final The result is: either a win-win situation, or strength is weak out. ”One industry insider said. Today, it is hard to write a legend from scratch, textile industry is more involved in commercial real estate, each invested in new markets are astronomical digital, with the output of luxury hardware facilities, a huge market size. Faced with the overbearing momentum of emerging markets, Shanghai’s textile market, built more than 10 years ago, has not only failed to make up but has grown bigger and bigger. When it comes to whether the new market will have an impact on it, Zhao Ying-hsiung, general manager of the Shanghai textile market, shows a slight, imperceptible smile.
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