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以立架甜瓜为材料,设置0、150、225、300、375、450 kg·hm~(-2)6个施磷水平的田间试验,研究不同供磷水平对立架甜瓜干物质和磷素吸收积累、产量以及磷肥利用效率的影响.结果表明:与对照(0 kg·hm~(-2))相比,增施磷肥提高了立架甜瓜各器官和整株干物质及磷素吸收积累,尤其是150、225 kg·hm~(-2)处理最高,成熟期整株干物质和磷素吸收积累量分别较对照增加了19.9%和26.3%、23.0%和26.3%;立架甜瓜干物质和磷素积累随生育期的推进呈增加趋势,生育前期主要在叶中分配,后期主要在果实中分配;磷肥表观利用率、农学效率和偏生产率均随施磷量增加而降低,150 kg·hm~(-2)处理最高,分别为11.1%、152.9 kg·kg~(-1)和476.3 kg·kg~(-1);施用磷肥促进了立架甜瓜产量的提高,150和225 kg·hm~(-2)处理显著高于对照,分别增产47.3%和39.7%.伸蔓期和果实膨大期是立架甜瓜磷肥施用的关键时期,结合产量与磷肥利用效率,150~225 kg·hm~(-2)(P2O5)的供磷水平是新疆喀什地区立架甜瓜适宜施磷量. A field experiment was carried out on 6 stands of 0, 150, 225, 300, 375 and 450 kg · hm -2 phosphorous with standing muskmelon to study the effects of different phosphorus levels on the dry matter and phosphorus uptake of muskmelon Accumulation and yield as well as phosphorus use efficiency.The results showed that compared with the control (0 kg · hm -2), application of phosphate fertilizer increased the dry matter and phosphorus uptake and accumulation of various organs and whole plant of stand melon, Especially 150,225 kg · hm -2. The accumulation of dry matter and phosphorus uptake by whole plant increased by 19.9%, 26.3%, 23.0% and 26.3% respectively at maturity. And phosphorus accumulation increased with the growth of the growth stage. The early growth stage was mainly distributed in the leaves and the later was mainly distributed in the fruit. Apparent utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer, agronomic efficiency and partial yield decreased with the increase of phosphorus application rate, 150 kg · The highest hm -2 treatment was 11.1%, 152.9 kg · kg -1 and 476.3 kg · kg -1, respectively. The application of phosphate fertilizer promoted the increase of stand muskmelon yield, 150 and 225 kg · Hm ~ (-2) treatment was significantly higher than the control, yield increase of 47.3% and 39.7% respectively.The spreading period and fruit enlargement period were the key period for the stand muskmelon application, the combination of yield and Fertilizer use efficiency, 150 ~ 225 kg · (-2) (P2O5) phosphorus donor melon hm ~ is a suitable amount of phosphorus Kashi stand area.
一、代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)概述  早在1988年Reaven提出了X综合征的概念,这个概念包括一组代谢异常和疾病,包含胰岛素抵抗、糖耐量受损(IGT)、高胰岛素血症、极低密度脂蛋白胆固醇三酰甘油(VLDL-TG)升高、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)降低和高血压.