
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eddiew
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作为国际通行、由国家设立的用于预防纠纷、减少诉讼、促进经济交往、保障当事人合法权益以及维护社会稳定的预防性法律制度,公证担负着引导、规范和适度干预民商事法律行为,调控经济和社会运行,确保各种民商事活动的真实、合法、公平和公正,维护公平正义和社会诚信等特殊职能,在为促进社会和谐提供法制保障和服务方面具有重要作用。本文主要探讨公证在有效倾角社会矛盾纠纷中的作用。 As a prevalent international legal system established by the state to prevent disputes, reduce litigation, promote economic exchanges, protect the legitimate rights and interests of litigants and maintain social stability, notarisation is notarized to guide, regulate and moderately interfere in civil and commercial legal acts and regulate the economy And social operations to ensure that all kinds of civil and commercial activities are true, legitimate, fair and equitable, maintain fair and just social and social integrity and other special functions play an important role in providing legal guarantees and services for promoting social harmony. This article mainly discusses the role of notarization in the effective dispute of social conflicts.
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