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干部队伍建设,历来是党的建设的一个极为重要的问题。党的十四届四中全会决定指出:培养和选拔德才兼备的领导干部是关系全局的重大问题。而加强后备队伍的建设,选拔优秀年轻干部,又是干部队伍建设的基础和前提。 一、加强后备干部队伍建设和选拔优秀年轻干部是党的历史使命的需要 马克思主义创始人指出无产阶级在完成自己历史使命的整个过程中,根据历史发展规律和革命运动的实际情况,制定符合本国国情的纲领、路线、方针和政策。并通过革命斗争、生产斗争和科学技术的实践,不断实现自己的伟大使命。而要使党的路线、方针和政策得到有效的贯彻和落实并收到效果,必须通过自己中坚力量、骨干队伍即干部去带 The building of cadre ranks has always been an extremely important issue for the party building. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to point out that training and selecting leading cadres who have both ability and political integrity is a major issue concerning the overall situation. However, strengthening the building of reserve forces and selecting outstanding young cadres are also the basis and premise for building a contingent of cadres. I. Strengthening the Construction of Reserve Cadres and Selecting Excellent Young Cadres Necessary for the Party’s Historical Mission The founder of Marxism pointed out that in the entire process of completing its own historic mission, the proletariat has formulated a system that is in line with the actual situation of the country’s revolutionary movement The national conditions of the program, line, principles and policies. And through the revolutionary struggle, the struggle for production and the practice of science and technology, we will continue to realize our great mission. To effectively carry out and implement the party’s line, principles and policies and receive results, we must, through our own backbone and cadres,
盘锦市双台子河城区段一防洪堤 ,其堤线下基础原是水坑 ,经地基处理后筑堤。该堤建成后发生堤坡滑移 ,堤顶裂缝。本文介绍了产生问题的原因和处理加固的情况。 Panjin City,
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本刊讯  2 0 0 2年 6月 15日 ,黄河上第一座初具数字化规模的水文站———花园口水文新站正式启用。该站的建成运用是“数字黄河”工程的重要成果 ,也标志着黄河水文现代化