5月4日在安徽合肥忽闻罗文同志逝世,噩耗传来,我的心情十分悲痛。这次带老同志们去陕、豫旅游,途中我把您的近况及您的问候向老同志们作了介绍,大家当即在车上相约,回沪后来看望您,把去延安、洛阳等地的所见所闻告诉您,以让从小在黄河边长大并去延安参加革命的您一起分享改革开放带给家乡及革命圣地延安的变迁之喜,孰料您却匆匆而去……。 罗老,在我的心目中您是一位忠诚的共产党员。记得每月两次的组织活动,您尽管年迈体弱,但总是风雨无阻地早早到来,仔细地听,认真地记,还经常向大家畅谈学习体会。您虽已离休,在家中仍每天伏
On May 4, in Hefei, Anhui, when Luo Wen heard of the death of Comrade Luo Wen, bad news came and my feelings were very sad. This time I traveled with the old comrades in Shaanxi and Yuhan. During the trip, I introduced your current situation and your greetings to the old comrades. All of you immediately met in the car. After returning to Shanghai, I visited you and went to places like Yan’an and Luoyang What I have seen and heard Tell you so that you grew up in the Yellow River and go to Yan’an to join the revolution you share the reform and opening up brought to Yan’an, the hometown and revolutionary holy land of joy, you come in a hurry. Lo old, in my mind you are a loyal communist. I remember twice a month organized activities, although you are frail elderly, but always come early rainstorm, carefully listen, carefully remember, but also to talk to you about the learning experience. Although you have retired, still volts everyday at home