亚洲最佳不是白当的 宿茂臻

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亚洲球员这顶帽子扣在我头上的时候.我正在清远参加国家队的集训。当时我正在屋里,我的朋友打来电话,他刚看完6:30的新闻,他本来是想恭贺我一下,一听我还不知道,马上卖起关子来了,磨了半天的牙才告诉我我当选了亚洲当月最佳球员,当时我心里这个高兴啊,那边的朋友比我更得意。他说他在电话那边都看见我呲着牙笑了。放下电话我还是禁不住心里乐颠颠的,因为这对我来说是个难得的荣誉,毕竟这是一个大洲选出来的,那么多的联赛,那么多的国家队,能注意到我宿茂臻头上来还真是幸运,踢球这么多年了,我幸运的时候还真是不多。这不是夸张,这一刻我还真是挺激动的,简直就是激情澎湃、不能自己。这要是不能在俱乐部和国家队有点表现,我对得起谁呀?尤其是俱乐部.给我们创造的条件简直没治了,让你一点顾虑都没有,卯劲踢就是了。 Asian player this hat clasped in my head when I was in Qingyuan to participate in national team training. At that time I was in the room, my friend called, he just read the 6:30 news, he would have liked to congratulate me, I heard that I do not know, and immediately sold off the child came, and worn a long tooth Only told me that I was elected the best player of the month in Asia, when my heart was happy ah, friends over there even more proud of me. He said he saw me smiling at my phone over my shoulder. Put down the phone I still could not help but heart Britain Britain, because it is a rare honor for me, after all, this is a continent elected, so many leagues, so many national teams, can notice my Su Mao Zhen head Up is really lucky, playing football for so many years, when I was lucky enough. This is not an exaggeration. At this moment, I really am very excited. I just feel passionate and can not be myself. If this can not be a bit performance in the club and the national team, I am worthy of you? Especially the club. The conditions for us to create simply no cure, so you have no worries, Mao Jin kicked it wants.
母羊驼香吐斜躺在地上,光洁的鼻吻皱得像枚苦瓜,秀气的眼睛蒙着一层泪水,看得出来,哺乳已变得像是一场酷刑,它疼痛难忍。  母羊驼香吐是个很称职的母亲,除了进食饮水,总是把小豹崽揽在怀里,一遍又一遍舔吻小家伙的皮毛。大羊驼习惯站立,就是睡觉,也是跪卧在地,侧躺的姿势对大羊驼来说肯定很不舒服,可它为了方便小豹崽吃奶,坚持侧躺,表现出让人钦佩的牺牲精神。  那天夜晚,老天爷大发淫威,好端端繁星闪烁晴朗的夜
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