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  摘 要:PISA測试的报告都吸引着越来越多的国家反思本国教育系统。在很多国家将芬兰在PISA中名列前茅的优秀表现归因于其高质量的教师教育体系的前提下,本文以芬兰教师教育作为主要研究对象,研究芬兰在教师教育领域,相关政策制定与项目,研究型教师教育,以及实习在教师教育领域所起到的作用,总结出芬兰在教师教育在选拔与培训方面的成功经验。
  In the recent report of PISA project, Finnish comprehensive schooling has been turned into a successful story . As education is essential for a nation’s comprehensive development, it is necessary to dig out the successful experience in the field of teacher education in Finland for the quality of teachers is one of the most frequently cited factors explaining the quality of an education system .
  二、Teacher education in Finland
  (一)Policy and programs in the field of teacher education
  The rules and procedures for policy making in teacher education determine who is allowed to organize the content of teacher education policy, what kind of experts are consulted, and what kind of ideology and educational theory are emphasized . The Finnish policy makes clear requirements for selection. First, there is a nationwide literary test including academic articles, about 180 pages altogether. Second, an aptitude test including an interview and a group discussion task aiming to evaluate applicants’ suitability, motivation and commitment, is hold. The major issue in teacher education is demonstrated through the teacher education programs which are provided by eight universities .
  Although recently, there has been some pressure to remove the teacher education programs from some universities, Finnish universities have been quite successful in promoting the argument that keeping teacher education programs in all existing units still an effective approach guaranteeing a constant supply of new qualified teachers throughout the country.
  (二)Research-based teacher education
  In Finland, teacher education puts strong emphasis on a research-based curriculum and all courses in the teacher education program have integrated with research. From this, it can be known that the objective of Finnish teacher education has been to develop an academically high standard of education for future teachers. It can also be learned that teachers as professionals have been required to take an active role in decisions affecting education and not merely implement decisions came from others.
  This unique approach has aimed to train autonomous and reflective teachers capable of adopting a research-oriented attitude toward their work. Research-based model of teacher education requires teachers to be reflective practitioners actively investigating their work and critically apply evidence-based educational knowledge to practice , which requires open-minded and analytical approach to the work and has important effect on their students.   (三)The role of practice teaching in teacher education
  Practice teaching is one of the most essential approaches for student teachers to develop their core competencies. Through the practice, student teachers can develop their skills, attitudes, values, personalities and the competency to combine knowledge dynamically, to empower teachers to perform more professionally and appropriately in different teaching situations. In Finland, practice starts as early as possible and provides students with readiness to continue professional growth before they formally enter working schools, which is integrated with theoretical pedagogy and professional studies.
  Finnish practice teaching consists of four modules of reaching from the first study year to the final year. Through the first module, student teachers are provided opportunities to observed school life, teacher’s work and the pupils from the perspectives of education and educational psychology. In the second and third phases, practice teaching focuses on teaching of specific subject areas of different teachers and guiding and evaluating of pupils’ learning processes. Finally, the forth module provides more opportunities to expand student teachers’ perspective and supports them to take a more holistic responsibility in their teaching.
  All in all, teacher education in Finland does make outstanding achievements in promoting students’ learning performance, and schools and students do benefit from the high standard and high quality teacher education. Although teacher education in Finland is not free from outside pressures of the current education system, Finland has opted for alternative ways and strategies to try to improve quality of education. Thus, Finnish teacher education is still appreciated by several countries and it is vital for the policy makers to analyze the foundation behind Finnish outstanding achievements and adopt some useful measures according to each nation’s specific situation.
  ①Simola, H. (2005). The Finnish Miracle of PISA: Historical and Sociological Remarks on Teaching and Teacher Education. Comparative Education, 41(4), 455-470.
  ②Malinen, O., V?is?nen, P., & Savolainen, H. (2012). Teacher education in Finland: a review of a national effort for preparing teachers for the future. The Curriculum Journal, 23(4), 567-584.
  ③Soh, K. (2014). Finland and Singapore in PISA 2009: similarities and differences in achievements and school management. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 44(3), 455-471.
  ④Rasmussen, J., & Bayer, M. (2014). Comparative study of teaching content in teacher education programs in Canada, Denmark, Finland, and Singapore. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(6), 798-818.
  ⑤Krokfors, L. (2007). Two-fold role of pedagogical practice in research-based teacher education. In R. Jakku-Sihvonen & H. Niemi (Eds.), Education as a societal contributor, 147-160.
摘 要:高职艺术专业的大学生是一群特殊的群体,他们常出现一些问题,增加管理工作的难度,而这些问题在很大程度上与他们的心理有很大的关系,本文旨在从高职艺术专业大学生常见问题行为产生的心理原因分析,探寻解决问题的对策。  关键词:高职艺术生;心理现状;共情  高职教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对我国的高等教育和人才培养发挥着极其重要的作用。作为一名高职艺术专业的辅导员,对于以上观点是认同的,而高职
摘 要:盡管近几年我国电视传媒的国际传播力不断提升,但离传媒大国还有一段差距,国际传播能力也与国家地位不完全相符。这就要求我们要进一步认识提高国际传播能力的重要性和艰巨性,并为此付出切实的努力。我国电视媒体国际传播力的不足点有以下两点:  关键词:电视媒体;传播力  一、缺少自己的主流品牌  一个企业的经营要靠品牌,一个媒体的发展同样靠品牌。品牌是媒体形象包装的无形资产,也是媒体形象包装赖以生存和
摘 要:目前社会上是否仍需要中职培养的会计人才?如果需要的话,学校需要培养怎样的人才?中等职业学校会计专业培养与我国社会主义现代化建设要求相适应,德智体美等全面发展,具有综合职业能力,面向基层企事业单位从事会计核算与会计事务相关岗位群的技能型人才。中职学校应担负起为中小企业、农村培养会计人员、为社会培养具有一定财会知识的基层经济工作人员、为高等职业教育学校会计相关专业培养预备人才的重任。  关键词
摘 要:《神秘的河流》是凯特·格伦威尔的一部历史小说,小说讲述了19十九世纪早期英国人因偷盗而被流放到澳大利亚的的故事。 故事进一步探索了在欧洲殖民者占领澳大利亚土著居民土地后的纷争,白人与土著居民的矛盾是书中最重要的矛盾。小说不仅记录了土著居民反抗白人的斗争,也更加细致入微的刻画了白人侵略“黑人”的暴行。书中对白人与黑人之间的战役也反映了作者对历史的反思:是否土著居民是自然土地上必不可少的一部分
摘 要:高校图书馆是高校信息、文献共享中心和交流中心,为高校科研工作、基础教学工作、以及人文素质的培养提供了丰富的资源,高校图书馆建设也是高校开展科学研究和人才培养工作的基础。  关键词:高校图书馆;服务质量;阅读心理  一、高校读者的心理状况概述  目前大学生年龄段处在19岁到23岁之间,在这个阶段,大部分大学生的生理都已经相对成熟,给大学生日常生活和学习带来了很大的影响。书籍是人类进步的阶梯,
摘 要:全国宣传思想工作会议指出,宣传思想工作的服务对象在基层,工作主体在基层,任务落实靠基层。县级台作为基层宣传文化工作的实施主体,其生存、发展和壮大已成为广电改革发展中亟需解决的基础性问题。作为最基层的县级广播电视台在目前激烈的媒体竞争中,处于特别的劣势地位:受地域条件限制和财力投入不足、外地人才不愿来、导致人员素质低下;设备老化、技术水平落后,节目质量上不去;不能充分发挥县级台的主流媒体的作
摘 要:信息技术的发展,给公共图书馆的发展创造了良好的空间。参考咨询服务是公共图书馆工作中极为重要的功能和业务,在读者服务中占有极为重要的位置,是最能体现图书馆服務水平的工作,必须不断发展和创新。本文主要基于在网络环境下图书馆参考咨询工作的不足、新特点的分析, 继而提出深化图书馆参考咨询工作应采取的策略。  关键词:图书馆;信息化;参考咨询工作  参考咨询是指咨询人员为读者利用文献、情报和寻求知识
摘 要:文章给出了一种双模远程抄表系统在电力行业中的应用方案,分析了该技术在自动抄表、线损分析、远程预付费、防窃电分析等方面的应用,提出了电力线载波与470M无线通信相结合的自动抄表系统在今后抄表系统应用中的发展构想,以期为探讨远程抄表系统在电力行业中的应用提供参考。  关键词:双模通信;远程预付费;自动抄表;线损分析  随着我国国民经济和电力事业的迅速发展,以及城乡电网工程的深入和电力市场改革的
摘 要:随着我国环境问题的不断地恶化,保护环境,加强环境监测,以成为刻不容缓的问题。由于当我国环境监测工作处于起步阶段,环境监测技术还存在不完善的地方,本文从第三方环境检测机构方面,并结合高氯废水检测、高锰酸盐、BOD等相关内容,浅谈我国当前环境监测技术的现状及发展问题。  关键词:现状;环境监测技术;高氯废水  基于我国环境监测保护实际情况出发,去研究分析我国环境监测技术问题,以便可以优化改善我
摘 要:IP是近年文化产业中的热门概念,开发一个有价值的IP,能够带来巨大的效益。北京故宫博物院充分利用自身优势资源,以“萌”作为切入点,设计开发出一系列文化产品,并利用网络社交平台扩大影响力;同时,线上线下的销售模式,也为其打开了市场。  关键词:北京故宫博物院;文化产品;营销途径  IP,英语“Intellectual Property”的缩写,直译为“知识产权”,IP的形式多样,可以是故事,