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作为医院行政管理人员的我,近几年来接触和亲自处理了上百件各种医疗纠纷,尝遍了处理医疗纠纷的酸甜苦辣。在这里我想就医院行政工作人员在处理医疗纠纷时的个人体会发表一点看法,以供大家参考。 第一:医疗纠纷贵在防范。目前医疗纠纷的增多,主要是由于人们的法律意识和自我保护意识的增强,而我们的医护人员这方面的意识相对落后造成的。因此,作为我们医院行政人员除了应加强对医护人员的医德医风教育及业务培养之外,还应加强医疗纠纷(医疗事故)防范、处理等有关方面的教育,使我们的医护人员的自我保护意识增强,从根本上减少医疗纠纷的发生。 第二:医疗纠纷重在疏导。我们感到以冷处理为佳,不管矛盾双方谁对谁错,首先不直接产生正面冲突,对于聚众现场,尽可能疏散,更不允许围观,减低负面影响,维持正常的医疗秩序。患者一方情绪比较激动, As a hospital administrator, I have contacted and personally handled hundreds of medical disputes in recent years and have tasted the bitterness and pains of handling medical disputes. Here I would like to express my opinion on the personal experience of hospital administrators in handling medical disputes for your reference. Number one: Medical disputes are expensive. The current increase in medical disputes is mainly due to the increase in people’s awareness of law and self-protection, and our health care workers’ awareness in this area is relatively backward. Therefore, in addition to strengthening medical ethics education and business training for medical staff, our hospital administrators should also strengthen education in the prevention and handling of medical disputes (medical accidents), so that our medical staff can protect themselves. Increased awareness has fundamentally reduced the occurrence of medical disputes. Second: Medical disputes focus on grooming. We feel that it is better to deal with cold issues. Regardless of who is right or wrong, the conflict does not directly lead to direct confrontation. For the gathering scene, we must evacuate as much as possible, and we must not allow onlookers to reduce the negative impact and maintain a normal medical order. The patient’s emotions are more emotional.
目的 研究日本血吸虫 (中国大陆株 ) 2 2 .6 k Da有效抗原表位对小鼠的免疫保护性 ,预测其在抗血吸虫感染中的作用。方法 用纯化的抗 Sj2 2 .6 k Da的多克隆抗体 Ig G对噬
基质细胞衍生因子-1(stromalcell-derived factor 1,SDF-1)是CXC趋化因子家族的成员,CXCR4是目前已知SDF-1的唯一受体。SDF-1/CXCR4在调控胚胎着床,诱导胎盘血管生成,肿瘤细
目的 扩增类胰岛素生长因子I(IGF-I)210bp的DNA片段,将其克隆到PGEX-1 λT质粒,并转化到 E.coli NH522中高效表达。方法 用改进的RT-PCR法合成人肝脏cDNA,然后从该cDNA文库中扩增出IGF-I基 因。将扩增的IGF-I cDNA用 BamHI和EcoR I双酶切后,插入到同样双
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诱杀蚂蚁:取一块木板,大小随意,一般用旧砧板即可。在木板上涂一些食油或蜂蜜,涂成长条状。将木板放在蚂蚁时常出没的地方,待一两天后因蚁群只能在木板上取食而不能 Trappin