Abnormal Failure Analysis of H13 Punches in Steel Squeeze Casting Process

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guokm01
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In steel squeeze casting process, the working condition of a punch was very rigorous. The abnormal failure models of an H13 punch, such as plastic rubbed damnification, could not be avoided easily. Based on the analysis of the flow stress and the friction-shearing stress of an H13 punch in steel squeeze casting process, the following results were obtained: if the flow stress of an H13 punch was smaller than its friction-shearing stress, these abnormal failures could not be avoided; and if there were some protection measures that enable the flow stress to have a greater value than its friction-shearing one, the abnormal failures would not occur. In the production of 45# steel valves and catenary system components, the flow stress of a lateral H13 punch without any protection measure was about 29 MPa and its friction-shearing stress was about 51 MPa, then, the abnormal failures occurred; however, when the protection measures of the punch enabled its working temperature to have a value below 682 ℃, its flow stress was greater than its friction-shearing stress, and the abnormal failures were avoided. In the steel squeeze casting process, the working condition of a punch was very rigorous. The abnormal failure models of an H13 punch, such as plastic rubbed damnification, could not be prevented easily. Based on the analysis of the flow stress and the friction-shearing stress of an H13 punch in steel squeeze casting process, the following results were: if the flow stress of an H13 punch was smaller than its friction-shearing stress, these abnormal failures could not be avoided; and if there were some protection measures that enable the flow stress to have a greater value than its friction-shearing one, the abnormal damage would not occur. The production of 45 # steel valves and catenary system components, the flow stress of a lateral H13 punch without any protection measure was about 29 MPa and its friction-shearing stress was about 51 MPa, then, a the same as low 682 ° C, its flow stress was greater than its friction-shearing stress, and the abnormal failures were avoided.
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