
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ld2001
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目的 测定不同地区钉螺对湖沼型地区日本血吸虫株的易感性 ,并进一步观察虫株的致病力变化。方法 用湖沼型地区日本血吸虫感染湖沼垸外型及垸内型、水网型、山丘型地区钉螺 ,之后以不同地区钉螺室内保种 (1代 )的尾蚴和原野外尾蚴感染家兔。结果 室内饲养的上述 4类地区钉螺的感染率分别为 49.5 8%、2 9.6 5 %、32 .0 1%、2 5 .2 5 % ;以 180 0条野外尾蚴和 4地区钉螺保种的尾蚴感染家兔后 ,各组平均虫负荷分别为 12 97、10 78、819、72 7、930条 ,家兔肝表面虫卵结节均数、每克肝虫卵均数、COPT反应率均为野外尾蚴组高于保种组 ,本地保种组高于异地各保种组。结论 湖沼垸外地区 (本地 )钉螺易感性高于异地 ,野外尾蚴的感染性和致病力高于保种组 ,保种组中本地组的感染率和致病力高于异地组 Objective To determine the susceptibility of Oncomelania snails to Schistosoma japonicum in lakes and marshes in different areas and to further observe the pathogenic changes of the strains. Methods Inoculation of lakes and marshes in the lakes and marshes region and the snail in the embankment, the water network and the hillsides were carried out. The rabbits were infected with cercariae and cercariae in the field after inoculation in different areas. Results The infection rates of snails in the above-mentioned four areas were 49.5 8%, 29.6%, 32.0% and 25.5% respectively. 180 coccidia and 4 ciliate After infected with rabbits, the average worm burden in each group was 1297, 1078, 819, 727, and 930, respectively. The average number of eggs on the liver surface of rabbits, the average number of eggs per gram of eggs and the response rate of COPT In the field cercariae group was higher than the conservation group, and the local species conservation group was higher than the other species conservation group in different places. Conclusion The susceptibility to snail in the area outside the lake was higher than that in other places. The infectivity and pathogenicity of cercariae in field were higher than that of the conservation group. The infection rate and pathogenicity of the local group in the conservation group were higher than those in the non-local group
目的探讨疟疾疗法(治疗性急性间日疟)治疗HIV感染的部分机制.方法 12例HIV-1感染者(CD4细胞水平为1 217~15×106/L)接受疟疾疗法,按CD4细胞水平高低编号和分组:例1~12为总组(TG
目的 探讨内皮素转换酶 (ECE)、内皮功能改变与 2型糖尿病大血管病变的关系。方法 应用RT PCR技术对 2型糖尿病患者 40例、2型糖尿病并大血管病变患者 6 0例及正常对照组6
目的分析和评价肾移植术后早期肝功能不良患者使用他克莫司(FK506)和霉酚酸酯(MMF)的有效性和安全性. 方法 20例肾移植患者术后早期发生肝功能不良,17例(85.0% )丙氨酸转氨酶
目的 术中测量非体外循环心脏跳动下冠状动脉旁路移植术(OPCAB)桥血管的血流量和搏动指数(PI)及血流波形,以探讨血管桥通畅率及其与波形的关系.方法 234例病人接受OPCAB手术,
患者男性 ,73岁。因小便呈粪水样 3天入院 ,伴尿频、尿急、尿痛 ,无腹痛、腹胀 ,无恶心、呕吐 ,无畏寒、发热等。体检 :T3 6 .6℃ ,P6 4次 /min,R1 8次 /min,BP 1 7.3 /1 0 .
目的 研究人用狂犬病纯化疫苗的安全性和保护性。方法 采用狂犬病疫苗暴露后免疫程序接种受试人群 ,I期临床接种 2 0人 ,II、III期临床接种 30 4人 ,观察注射后反应 ,采用
为修订国家卫生标准 ,对中式香肠 (腊肠 )、香肚的配方、工艺、储运销售环境等进行卫生学调查 ,并对广州、南京、辽宁、湖南等省采取的 2 32样品进行了水分、食盐、酸价、过