安徽省绩溪县伏岭乡是个人多田少的山区,由于流径该乡的登源河两岸植被遭到破坏,粗岩花岗岩风化,砂化现象严重,大量水土流失,使河道抬高千米以上,两岸农民经常受洪水冲淹、黄砂埋压,土壤瘠薄,影响农业生产发展。 伏岭小 域面积30平方公里,其中流失面积25.2平方公里,是安徽省资助治理的重点小流域,两年多来经过干群努力,从行政、植物、工程、节柴和劳务等方面采取措施,实行综合治理,已初步治理面积20平方公里,流失量由每平方公里0.8万吨降到0.45
Fuling County, Anhui Province, Fuling County, is a mountainous area with more fields and less hills. Due to the destruction of the vegetation on both banks of the Dengyuan River flowing through the village, the gravelly weathering and sandification of the coarse-grained granite is serious and a large amount of soil and water loss make the riverway rise above 1000 meters. The peasants on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are often flooded by floods, burying yellow sand and infertile soils, affecting the development of agricultural production. Fuling small area of 30 square kilometers, of which 25.2 square kilometers of drainage area, is funded by Anhui Province focus on small watershed, more than two years after the efforts of cadres and the masses, from the administration, plant, engineering, firewood and labor and other measures , The implementation of comprehensive management, has initially managed an area of 20 square kilometers, the loss of 0.8 million tons per square kilometer down to 0.45