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近两年来,我按照导读导学的精神,大胆地设计和实践了一套与古文串讲教学法相对立的“答记者问”式的古文教学法。所谓“答记者问”式的古文教法,其基本指导思想就在于要调动学生学习的主动性积极性,切实提高古文阅读译释和知识迁移能力。具体步骤可分为:质疑问难、即席答问、集中答难、精讲分析、复读笔译五个环节。至于练习的安排则贯穿于其中。现分别简介如下: 一、质疑问难。这是采用“答记者问”式教法最花功夫又最见实效的第一个环节。这一环,教师首先要严格要求学生对课文认认真真地、自觉主动地进行充分的预习。预习可纳入课堂,先简介课文的目的要 In the past two years, in accordance with the spirit of guiding and guiding learning, I have boldly designed and practiced a set of classical Chinese teaching methods “answering questions and answering questions” that is opposed to classical Chinese teaching. The basic guiding ideology of the so-called “answering a reporter’s question” is to mobilize the enthusiasm of students in their studies and effectively improve their ability to read translation and knowledge. Specific steps can be divided into: questions and answers, ad hoc questions and answers, focus on answering, analysis of the essence, repeat reading five links. As for the practice of the arrangement runs through them. Brief introduction are as follows: First, the question asked difficult. This is the first step of adopting the most effective and effective method of answering questions. In this cycle, teachers should first of all strictly require students to fully and consciously and voluntarily preview the lesson. Preview can be included in the class, the purpose of briefing the text first
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