Overview of the Shenzhen Emergency Medical Service Call Pattern

来源 :World Journal of Emergency Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miocoo_daniel
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BACKGROUND:In Shenzhen,the Emergency Medical Service(EMS) system has been in service since 1997.This study aims to examine the operation of Shenzhen 120 EMS center and to identify the reasons of calling EMS.METHODS:In this retrospective quantitative descriptive study,the data from the Shenzhen 120 EMS registry in 2011 were analyzed.RESULTS:Shenzhen 120 EMS center is a communication command center.When the number of 120 are dialed,it is forwarded to the closest appropriate hospital for ambulance dispatch.In2011,the Shenzhen 120 EMS center received 153 160 ambulance calls,with an average of 420 calls per day.Calling emergency services was mainly due to traffic accidents.Trauma and other acute diseases constituted a majority of ambulance transports.The adult patients aged 15-60 years are the principal users of EMS.There are no recognized ’paramedic’ doctors and nurses.The pre-hospital emergency service is under the operation of emergency departments of hospitals.Shenzhen at present does not have specialized pre-hospital training for doctors and nurses in posttrauma management.Moreover,specialized pre-hospital training,financial support,and public health education on proper use of EMS should be emphasized.CONCLUSION:The Shenzhen 120 EMS center has its own epidemiology characteristics.Traumatic injury and traffic accident are the main reasons for calling ambulance service.In-depth study emphasizing the distribution and characteristics of trauma patients is crucial to the future development of EMS. BACKGROUND: In Shenzhen, the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) system has been in service since 1997. This study aims to examine the operation of Shenzhen 120 EMS center and to identify the reasons of calling EMS.METHODS: In this retrospective quantitative descriptive study, the data from the Shenzhen 120 EMS registry in 2011 were analyzed .RESULTS: Shenzhen 120 EMS center is a communication command center. WHERE the number of 120 is dialed, it is forwarded to the closest appropriate hospital for ambulance dispatch.In 2011, the Shenzhen 120 EMS center received 153 160 ambulance calls, with an average of 420 calls per day. Calling emergency services was mainly due to traffic accidents. Trauma and other acute diseases constitute a majority of ambulance transports. The adult patients aged 15-60 years are the principal users of EMS.There are no recognized ’paramedic’ doctors and nurses.The pre-hospital emergency service is under the operation of emergency departments of hospitals.Shenzhen at present does n ot have specialized pre-hospital training for doctors and nurses in posttrauma management. Moreover, specialized pre-hospital training, financial support, and public health education on proper use of EMS should be emphasized. CONCLUSION: The Shenzhen 120 EMS center has its own epidemiology characteristics.Traumatic injury and traffic accident are the main reasons for calling ambulance service. In-depth study emphasizing the distribution and characteristics of trauma patients is crucial to the future development of EMS.
摘 要:生物实验作为生物教学的基本手段,在初中生物教学中,有其特殊的教学功能,通过实验不仅能为学生提供感性的学习材料,而且能够提供科学的思维方法,使学生更好的将知识进行内化,从而培养和提升学生的各种能力。为此,在初中生物教学中,教师要用各种生动有趣的实验,把生物课题以新奇的方式揭示在学生面前,使课堂气氛活跃,引人入胜,从而让学生在实验的乐趣中获得新知,提升能力,为生物学的研究、发展奠定坚实的基础。
摘 要:随着时代的发展和进步,英语越来越显示出其在工作和生活中的重要性。但在小学英语阶段,部分学生学习有困难,难以学好。本文从学者,教者等多角度,分析学困生的形成原因及转化策略。  关键词:农村小学;转化;英语;学困生  《英语课程标准》中特别强调“英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育”,而基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心。但是,在目前的小学英语教学中,当