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一九七八年我所在吉三泉、西阴沟两个大队搞温室无土育秧试点,修建温室四十七平方米。吉三泉大队温室育秧情况:共育五批,实插十九亩左右,其中有三亩,亩产一千二百一十八点六斤。通过试验,初步掌握了温室无土育秧的操作和管理技术。 一、无土育秧的操作和管理技术 温室无土育秧就是不要秧田,不用土,利用温室保温、湿、光照、氧气等条件,用稻谷育秧的方法。通过两个试点证明,无土育秧有省种、成本低、减轻劳动强度,抗逆性强,不烂秧的优越性。 (一)温室的建造 温室内面积二十七平方米,长六米,宽四点五米,高二点二米。顺长摆四列秧架,两边各一列,中间并两列,两条走道,一条走道管两列。秧架要平,要牵牢固,防止倒塌。使用八号、十四号、十六号钢筋作秧架。八号钢筋软,有倒塌现象,十四至十六号钢筋牢固耐用。塑料秧盘长七十六厘米,宽三十六厘米,因数量少,我们采用竹片编制,长七十厘米,宽四十厘米。层距:最下层离地面三十厘米,防止烟道烧秧,上五层间距二十五厘米。使用双火道,双层锅,温室三面透光,用塑料布遮顶,锅炉房坐北。 In 1978, where I Ji Jisuan, Xiyin ditch two brigade engage in greenhouse soilless seedlings, construction of greenhouse 47 square meters. Kyrgyzstan three brigade greenhouse nursery conditions: a total of five batches of cultivation, real plug about nineteen acres, of which three acres, yielding 1218 pounds per mu. Through experiments, preliminary mastered the greenhouse soilless seedling operation and management techniques. First, soilless seedling operation and management techniques Greenhouse soilless seedling is not seedling, do not soil, the use of greenhouse insulation, wet, light, oxygen and other conditions, with rice seedling method. Through the two pilot proved that soilless seedlings have provincial species, low cost, reduce labor intensity, strong resistance, not bad seedling superiority. (A) the construction of the greenhouse The greenhouse area of ​​27 square meters, six meters long, 4.5 meters wide, 2.2 meters high. Shunchang put four rows of seedlings, on each side of a column, the middle and two columns, two walkways, two walkways a tube. Seedlings to be flat, to take firm, to prevent collapse. Use No. 8, No. 14 and No. 16 rebar as seedlings. On the 8th steel soft, collapse phenomenon, 14 to 16 steel strong and durable. Plastic seedling tray seventy-six centimeters long, thirty-six centimeters wide, due to the small number, we use the preparation of bamboo, 70 centimeters long, 40 centimeters wide. Layers: the lowest from the ground thirty centimeters, to prevent the flue-burning seedlings, the five-spaced 25 cm. The use of double fire, double-layer pot, greenhouse light on three sides, covered with plastic sheeting, boiler room to sit north.
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