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  Food Science
  Spinach may not give you 1)Popeye super strength, but nutrition researcher Joshua Bomser discovered that the 2)pigments that make leafy greens green could help to protect our eyes from the damaging 3)ultraviolet rays of the sun.
  “Our study showed that the plant pigments could reduce ultraviolet-induced damage in the 4)lens of the eye.”
  UV light damage to DNA and the lens can cause
  5)cataracts, the gradual clouding of the lens and blurring of vision. Bombser and his colleagues at Ohio State University treated human lens cells with the green plant pigments known as 6)carotenoids.
   “Carotenoids are plant pigments that are found in nature and found in many fruits and vegetables that we consume.” As they reported in the Journal of Nutrition, they found that compared to untreated cells the pigments prevented a lot of UV-induced damage.
  Columbia University 7)ophthalmologist Lllama Allaswad, says their work is very promising. “I do think we need further studies and further 8)clinical trials to evaluate the benefit.”
  Bomser’s next step is to see if a diet of leafy greens can protect animals from cataracts.
  Meanwhile eating plenty of fruits and vegetables ourselves won’t do any harm.
  菠菜或许不能给你“大力水手”一样的超人力量,但是营养学研究者Joshua Bomser发现,使绿色植物变绿的色素有保护人类眼睛不受太阳紫外线侵害的作用。
  哥伦比亚大学的眼科医师Lllama Allaswad表示,他们的工作是很有前景的。“为了确切评估出(植物色素的)益处,我认为我们有必要进行更深入的研究,以及更多的临床试验。”
  Discussion 讨论区
  Fiona: Hey, I’ve been thinking seriously about becoming a vegetarian. I’ve got some friends from Yoga class who eat only fruits and veggies, and they say that their low-cholesterol diet really keeps the body and soul purified. Plus it’s a great method of weight-control! What do you think?
  Michael: Well, there are definitely pros and cons to being a vegetarian. Different fruits and vegetables contain various vitamins, and so provide a general boost to the human immunologic system. A diet based on plant life can also help with the prevention of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
  Fiona: Wow! I didn’t know that. That’s really great!
  Michael: But being a vegetarian isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Many vegetarians say that they don’t feel full without a dish of meat or fish at least once per day. Many nutritionists agree that eating fruits and vegetables alone is an incomplete diet, making your body feel unbalanced. This can lead to a general feeling of being unhappy, and there are many reports of a frequent feeling of isolation and depression amongst vegetarians.
  Fiona: Well, I’m sure I can deal with that. I just think it would be great to teach my kids that they should have a general respect for life; a great way to do that would be to teach them that they shouldn’t kill animals for food.
  Michael: If it’s your kids that you’re worried about, then you may want to avoid vegetarianism all together! According to some research, animal fat is a key ingredient to producing hormones important to a child’s growth. The protein from animals also stimulates brain development.
  Fiona: Well, I guess there are pros and cons to everything! Perhaps I’ll eat mostly fruits and vegetables, and some occasional meat, but not too much!

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