
来源 :杭州农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssathena
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同志们:很高兴来参加市农科院建院后的第一次全体会议。这次会议既是我们市农科院研究部署新一年工作的会议,同时,在一定程度上说也是我市农业科研事业继往开来、鼓足干劲、再创新业的动员会。实施撤所建院,是市委市政府推进农业科研体制改革、转变农业科研机制的重要决策,是整合农业科研资源、更好的发挥“科技兴农”作用的重大举措,也是我市农业科研事业加快发展步伐、提升发展水平的全新开端。撤所建院决定以来,同志们顾全大局,齐心合力,做了大量富有成效的工作,实现了市农科院的顺利组建,促进了科研工作的平稳衔接,为今后开创我市农业科研事业新局面奠定了坚实的基础。借此机会,我代表市政府对市农科院的顺利组建表示热烈的祝贺!对同志们多年来为“科技兴农”作出的辛勤努力表示衷心的感谢!同时更对大家今后的农业科 Comrades: I am very happy to attend the first plenary meeting of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences after its establishment. This meeting is not only a meeting of our city Academy of Agricultural Sciences to study and deploy the work of the new year, at the same time, to a certain extent, it is also the mobilization meeting of the agricultural scientific research undertaking of our city from the past to the present, boosting energy and creating new industries. Implementation of the withdrawal of the establishment of the hospital is the municipal government to promote agricultural research system reform, an important decision to change agricultural research mechanism is to integrate agricultural research resources, and better play a “science and technology to promote agriculture,” a major move, but also our city agriculture Scientific research to speed up the pace of development and upgrade the level of development of a new beginning. Since the decision to renovate the founding of the hospital, the comrades have taken due consideration of the overall situation, made concerted efforts and done a great deal of productive work and realized the smooth formation of the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences, promoted the smooth convergence of scientific research and created a new agricultural scientific research for our city in the future The situation has laid a solid foundation. On behalf of the municipal government, I would like to take this opportunity to express my warm congratulation on the successful establishment of the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences and to express my heart-felt gratitude to all the comrades for their hard work in promoting agriculture through science and technology over the years. Section
一热烈庆祝中国保安协会第一次代表大会胜利召开! A warm celebration of the first security congress of China Security Association held!