Resources Allocation Schemas for Web Information Monitoring

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djxhh
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The web is an extremely dynamic world where information is updated even every second. A web information monitoring system fetches information from the web continuously and finds changes by compar- ing two versions of the same page. The updating of a specific web page is modeled as a Poisson process with parameter to indicate the change frequency. As the amount of computing resources is limited, it is nec- essary to find some policies for reducing the overall change-detection time. Different allocation schemas are evaluated experimentally to find out which one is the most suitable for the web information monitoring prob- lem. The experimental data shows the runtime characteristics of the overall system performance and the re- lationship to the total amount of resources. The web is an extremely dynamic world where information is updated even every second. A web information monitoring system fetches information from the web continuously and finds changes by compar- ing two versions of the same page. The updating of a specific web page is modeled as As the amount of computing resources is limited, it is nec- essary to find some policies for reducing the overall change-detection time. Different allocation schemas are evaluated experimentally to find out which one is the most suitable for the web information monitoring prob- lem. The experimental data shows the runtime characteristics of the overall system performance and the re- lationship to the total amount of resources.
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