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本文讨论建筑物在荷载作用下由于地基变形引起邻近建筑物产生新的沉降以及新的应力应变的量值及其分布状态,此现象称为非温克尔地基上建筑物的场地静力效应(简写为 FSE)。本文视地基为半无限弹性体,用 Boussinesq 公式确定在矩形面积均布荷载作用下地基表面任意点的沉降值。基础为变刚度、变底宽的弹性地基粱。应用笔者的约束边界法将上部框架(框剪、框架填充墙等)凝聚为 m 跨约束梁,用变形协调条件建立求解相邻建筑物场地静力效应的控制方程式,得到结构系统的应力重分布状态。为此课题的求解作者开发出 FSE-1程序在PC-1500运行。对于有限压缩深度的分层总和法地基土,根据对许多工程实例计算分析论证提出如下的建议:将分层总和法地基视为新的半无限弹性体,其 E_0值变换为 E_0’,然后应用本文方法及程序求解。 This paper discusses the magnitude of the new settlement and the new stress strain of the building due to the deformation of the foundation under load and the distribution of the new stress strain. This phenomenon is called the static effect of the building on non-Winkel foundations. Abbreviated as FSE). The semi-infinite elastic body is considered as the foundation of this paper. Boussinesq formula is used to determine the settlement value of any point on the surface of the foundation under the uniform load of rectangular area. The foundation is a flexible foundation with variable stiffness and a wide base. Applying the author’s constrained boundary method to agglomerate the upper frame (frame shears, frame infill walls, etc.) into m-span constrained beams, using the deformation coordination conditions to establish a control equation for solving the static effects of adjacent building sites, and to obtain the stress redistribution of the structural system. status. The author of this topic developed the FSE-1 program running on the PC-1500. For layered summation method with limited depth of compression, based on calculation and analysis of many engineering examples, the following suggestions are proposed: The layered summation method foundation is regarded as a new semi-infinite elastic body whose E_0 value is transformed into E_0’, and then applied. This article methods and procedures for solving.
1.判断三角形的形状 例1 已知A、B、C是坐标平面上的三点,其坐标分别为A(1,2),B(4,1),C(0,一1),判断△ABC的形状. 解 由已知,得因为所以又因为 1. Judging the shape of a