连载之一 经济整体管理——驾驭经济全局的新理念新方法

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21世纪,世界已变成一个巨大的经济整体,传统的经济格局、各种经济要素及其联系方式,正在被改变和打破,被重新认识、定位和组合。在世界整体经济这个统—体中,一个国家,一个地区或局部的经济波动,都会给其它国家和地区带来影响乃至引起痉挛。面对21世纪的经济管理实践,一些传统的或一般的经济调控手段和方法,已难以适应经济发展的需要。如果管理者缺乏世界眼光,不了解全行业、全国、乃至全世界的各类有关信息,不能立足于整体,从大局出发,统筹各方进行全盘考虑,就难以获取正确思路,做出长远规划,达到预期目的。随着经济的全球化、一体化进程,在以互联网为特征的信息技术带动下呈现出更加强劲的势头,经济的整体特征更加明显和日益突出,经济整体化趋势需要经济整体管理的理论,呼唤经济整体管理的意识,寻找经济整体管理的基础,要求人们的思想从分门别类的窠臼里走出来,对传统的思维进行反思。这就为新的管理理论产生提供了前所未有的历史机遇和现实基础。面对新时代的挑战和经济管理实践的需要,重庆市政府科技顾问团顾问、重庆师范大学副校长颜虹同志和中共重庆市委党校、重庆行政学院经济管理部副教授李沛君同志与时俱进,近年来致力于经济整体管理这一经济管理领域重大课题的研究,站在新时代的高度,以全新的视角积极探索创新,取得了丰硕的理论成果。本刊从这期起将连续刊发他们有关经济整体管理的理论文章,首篇题目为《经济整体管理——驾驭经济全局的新理念新方法》,希望他们的文章能为经济管理界带来一股新鲜活力,能引起大家对经济整体管理这一问题的高度关注。 In the 21st century, the world has become a huge economic entity. The traditional economic pattern, various economic elements and their connections are being changed and broken, and their understanding, positioning and combination are being redone. In the world economy as a whole, economic fluctuations in one country, one region or part of the world will have an impact on other countries and regions and cause spasms. Faced with the 21st century economic management practices, some traditional or general means and methods of economic control have become difficult to meet the needs of economic development. If managers lack a global perspective and do not understand all kinds of relevant information in the whole industry, in the whole country and even in the world, they should not base themselves on the overall situation, proceed from the overall situation and co-ordinate the overall consideration of all parties and find it hard to acquire correct ideas and make long-term plans. To achieve the desired purpose. With the globalization and integration of economy, the process of integration shows more strong momentum driven by the information technology characterized by the Internet. The overall characteristics of economy are more obvious and prominent. The trend of economic integration needs the theory of the overall management of the economy, calling for The awareness of the overall management of the economy and the search for the basis of the overall management of the economy require that people's minds come out of different kinds of tactics and reflect on the traditional thinking. This provides an unprecedented historical opportunity and realistic basis for the emergence of new management theory. Faced with the challenges of the new era and economic management practices, Comrade Yan Hong, advisor of Chongqing Municipal Government Science and Technology Adviser Group, vice chancellor of Chongqing Normal University and Party School of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and associate professor of economic management department of Chongqing Administration College, made progress with the times in recent years. To devote itself to the study of major issues concerning economic management in the field of economic management, standing on the height of a new era, actively exploring and innovating with a new perspective, and earning rich theoretical results. Since this issue, our journal will continuously publish their theoretical articles on overall economic management. The first article entitled “Managing the Overall Economic System - A New Concept and Method for Managing the Economic Situation” hopes that their articles will bring to the economic management community A fresh energy, can cause everyone's concern about the overall management of the economy.
一、简易潜望镜的制作rn1.器材:直角弯管2个、直管30 cm、5 cm×5 cm平面镜2块、502胶水、3种颜色的发光二级管11个.
[目的]  目前,脑血管疾病是常见的威胁人类健康、造成人类致残及死亡的一类疾病。它给家庭以及社会带来深重的经济负担。其中缺血性脑卒中为最常见类型,约占脑卒中的60-80%。