Eight Easy Ways to Beat Fatigue

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国人的生活节奏确实加快了! 我们常闻身边的人感叹:唉,吃得下,又睡得着,怎么就这么累?常生此感者,不妨细读此文。 文章介绍了8种导致“莫名疲惫”的可能,可供读者“对号入座”! 其中最具参考价值的是: 首先,周末睡懒觉的坏习惯,人们试图用此法来消除疲劳,这样做的结果是:越睡越疲劳! 原因: We each have a biological clock(生物钟)that determines when we are sleepy andwhen we are alert.When you wake up every morning at seven but sleep until noon onweekends,you can upset your biological clock and end up feeling even more fatigued. 那么,应如何通过在周末增加睡眠以消除疲劳呢?做法很简单: Catch up on weekends by going to bed early,not sleeping late.To keep yourbiological block happy,it is best to wake up every morning at about the same time. 其实,此观点并不新鲜,国人有“黎明即起,洒扫庭除”之说久矣! 其次,体内水份不足也是疲劳袭来的原因之一: A lack of water can cause a decrease in blood volume,and that can bring onfatigue. 本文提出了一个每日喝水的参考量: Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day ,or more if you exercise heavily. 再次,不注意 The pace of life of the people has indeed accelerated! We often hear people around sigh: Oh, how can you feel tired when you eat and sleep well? The article introduced eight kinds of possibilities that lead to “explicit fatigue”, which can be used by readers to “seat the number”! Among them, the most valuable reference is: First, the bad habit of sleeping late on the weekend, people try to use this method to eliminate fatigue, the result of this is: sleep more and more fatigue! Cause: We each have a biological clock( biological clock)that determines when we are sleepy andwhen we are alert.When you wake up every morning at seven but sleep until noon onweekends,you can upset your biological clock and end up feeling even more fatigued. So, how to eliminate fatigue by increasing sleep during the weekend? The approach is simple: Catch up on weekends by going to bed early, not sleeping late.To keep your biological block happy,it is best to wake up every morning at about the same Time. In fact, this view is not new. The people of China have “dawn at dawn, and sweeping away from the court”. Second, the lack of water in the body is also one of the causes of fatigue: A lack of water can cause a decrease in blood volume, and that can bring onfatigue. This article proposes a reference amount for daily drinking: Drink eight to ten glasses Of water a day ,or more if you exercise heavily.
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