日本国立癌症预防研究所 ,从高到低排出了18种对肿瘤有显著抑制效应的蔬菜顺序 :1.熟红薯2.生红薯3.芦笋4.花椰菜5.卷心菜6.花菜7.芹菜8.茄子9.甜椒10.胡萝卜11.金针菜12.荠菜13.雪里蕻14.番茄15.大葱16.大蒜17.黄瓜18.大白菜?
Japan’s National Institute of Cancer Prevention, from high to low discharge of 18 kinds of vegetables have a significant inhibitory effect on the order of vegetables: 1. Cooked sweet potato 2. Raw sweet potato 3. Asparagus 4. Cauliflower 5. Cabbage 6. Cauliflower 7. Celery 8. Eggplant 9. Sweet pepper Carrot Day lily 12. Shepherd’s purse 13. Snowy 蕻 14. Tomato 15. Green onions 16. Garlic 17. Cucumber 18. Chinese cabbage?