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随着国家对学生身体素质重视程度的提高,中考体育与健康分数的比重越来越大。我对比了一下前几年体育与健康分数在中考比例情况和近几年的情况,发现近几年体育测试对中考排名的影响因素加速变大,从前几年中考体育测试来看,绝大部分学生都是满分,因而体育测试对中考排名的影响基本上都可以忽略不计,大家只要参考期末考试和一模排名再参考各种加分因素的影响就可以有个基本判断。但我看了近几年的体育测试标准,发现比前几年的满分标准有很大的提高,拿满分变得不太容易,这样体育测试就有可能拉开分了。从期末考试和一模排名来推算最终的排名,除了要考虑各种加分因素的影响外,还要着重考虑体育测试分数的影响。因此提高中考体育加试的核心素质培养尤为重要。 As the state pays more attention to the students’ physical fitness, the proportion of physical education and health exams in the senior high school entrance examination is getting bigger and bigger. I compared a few years ago a few years ago the sports and health scores in the proportion of senior high school entrance examination and the situation in recent years and found that in recent years the impact of sports testing on the ranking of examinations acceleration accelerated larger test sports test in the past few years, the vast majority Students are full marks, and thus the impact of sports testing on the ranking of the exam can be basically ignored, as long as we refer to the final exam and a model reference to a variety of points and then the impact of factors can have a basic judgment. However, I have read the sports testing standards in recent years and found that there is a great improvement over the scores of scores in previous years. It is not easy to get the full score, so sports testing may pull off points. From the final exam and rankings to calculate the final rankings, in addition to considering the impact of various points plus factors, but also to focus on the impact of sports test scores. Therefore, it is very important to improve the core quality of the entrance exam for physical education.
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