
来源 :统计教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun0603
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随着我国科教兴国战略实施力度的不断加大,特别是加入WTO后对各类专业人才选择性的进一步的加强,我国统计高等教育迎来了新的发展机遇,同时也面临诸多的新挑战。 统计教育是统计事业的基础。新中国的统计教育始终坚持理论与实践相结合,为发展统计事业做出了重大贡献,造就了一大批有成就的统计管理专家、统计业务专家、统计科学家和教育家。改革开放20多年来,统计教育事业更有长足发展,科教兴统计的思想越来越深入人心。在“大统计”教育理论的引导下,统计高等教育事业正在健康地向前发展。 With the continuous implementation of China’s strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, especially after the accession to the WTO has further strengthened the selective selection of various professionals, our country’s statistics higher education has ushered in new opportunities for development as well as facing many new challenges. Statistics education is the basis of statistics. New China’s statistical education always adhered to the combination of theory and practice, made a significant contribution to the development of statistics and created a large number of accomplished statistical management experts, statistical business experts, statistical scientists and educators. In the more than 20 years since the reform and opening up, the statistics education has made great strides and the idea of ​​science and education has become more and more popular. Under the guidance of the “grand statistics” education theory, the statistics of higher education is going forward healthily.
Twins 去年以“学生妹”造型推出国语碟,成功俘虏台湾歌迷的心。早前 Twins 就为新国语碟赴台湾拍摄新歌 MV,在布置成舞会的现场摇身一变成为“Party Queen”!爱吃的 Twins
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