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数学是什么?数学有什么用?数学是研究现实世界的空间形式和数量关系的科学,包括算术、代数、几何、三角、微积分等。华罗庚在《数学大哉之为用》中说:“宇宙之大、粒子之微、火箭之速、化工之巧、地球之变、生物之谜、日用之繁,无处不用数学。”这是对数学“性能”与“用途”的精妙概括。概念是干巴巴的,数学专业人员学起来也颇觉枯燥、乏味,更勿论小学生了。但作为基础学科,作为开启智慧之门的钥匙,小学生又不得不学数学。怎么学?怎样把高深的理论变浅显,如何使繁杂的过程让学生明白接受,这是每个学校、每位数学教师较为重视的问题。数学活动课很好地解决了这个问题。数学活动课是常规数学课的补充,它与常规数学课同步进行。其作用是,能使学生将课内的知识延伸到课外,将课外的观察、实验、猜想、证明等用以辅证课内所学。数学活动课的开展,使学生的思维拓展到数学与生活及其他学科,促进了数学知识的深化,学科间知识的同化。同时,培养了学生的自主探究意识、创新意识、协作意识、竞争意识,以及学数学用数学的意识。数学活动课是搞好数学教学的极佳辅助手段。内蒙古通辽市奈曼旗实验小学多年来坚持开展数学活动课,用以辅助教学,卓有成效。本期编发该校几位教师开展数学活动课的具体课堂实录及相关课外操? What is mathematics? What is the use of mathematics? Mathematics is the science that studies the relationship between the spatial form and the quantity in the real world, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and so on. Hua Luogeng said in “The Great Use of Mathematics,” said: “The universe is large, the particles are tiny, the speed of rockets, the skill of chemistry, the change of the earth, the mystery of biology, the complexity of everyday use, and mathematics everywhere.” Exquisite summaries of mathematical “properties” and “uses.” The concept is dry, math professionals also feel quite boring, boring, not to mention the primary school. However, as a basic discipline, as the key to opening the door to wisdom, pupils have to learn math. How to learn? How to make advanced theory shallow, how to make the complicated process for students to accept, this is every school, every math teacher more emphasis on the issue. Mathematics activity class solved this problem well. The math activity class complements the regular math class, which runs in parallel with regular math classes. Its role is to enable students to extend the knowledge of the class to extra-curricular, extra-curricular observation, experiment, guess, proof and so on to supplement the proof class. The development of mathematics activities class, to make students think in mathematics and life and other disciplines, and promote the deepening of mathematical knowledge, assimilation of knowledge between disciplines. At the same time, students develop awareness of self-exploration, innovation, collaboration, competition awareness, as well as mathematics learning mathematics. Mathematics activity class is an excellent auxiliary to improve mathematics teaching. Naiman Banner Experimental Primary School, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, insisted on carrying out mathematics activity classes for many years to assist teaching and achieved fruitful results. This issue of the school several teachers to carry out mathematics activities in class specific classroom record and related extracurricular exercises?
近年来,各地的中考试卷中,有关反比例函数的新型题,令人耳目一新,现对部分新题型作一归类例析,供同学们学习时参考. In recent years, exam papers around the examination
一种远距离红外测温仪在中国深圳蛇口科健公司投产。 这种IR系列远距离红外测温仪测量距离和测量目标的比值是500,可测100m远目标的温度,测温范围:0~3000C,有最大值、最小值
某国,在经过无数场预赛和激烈的复赛后,圣约瑟夫鼓号队成功地闯入了全国中学生鼓号大赛的决赛圈。  到了决赛那一天,轮到圣约瑟夫鼓号队入场比赛时,观众们沸腾了,爆发出狂热的掌声。但是,圣约瑟夫队并没有赢。
在实施素质教育的过程中,创新教育是课堂教学改革的关键和核心。在科技飞速发展的今天,培养学生的创新意识、创新精神和创新能 In the process of implementing quality edu