中国是统一的多民族国家,民族关系和民族问题直是影响中国兴衰治乱的重要因素,古往今来都是如此, 这是不争的事。新疆是多民族聚居的地区。现有维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、回、柯尔克孜、蒙古、塔吉克、锡伯、满、乌孜别克、俄罗斯、达斡尔、塔塔尔等47个民族成分。新疆和全国一样形成了平等、团结、互助的社会主义新型民族关系,这一民族关系是社会主义本质的反映,巩固和发展这种新型的民族关系,是我们建设有中国特色社会主义、加快新疆经济发展的可靠保证。
China is a unified multi-ethnic country. Ethnic relations and ethnic issues have always been an important factor that affects the rise and fall of China. It is an indisputable event since the ages. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic area. The existing Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Kirgiz, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Xibe, Manchu, Uzbek, Russia, Daur, Tatar and other 47 ethnic components. Xinjiang, like the whole country, formed a new socialist nationalism featuring equality, solidarity and mutual assistance. This ethnic relationship reflects the essence of socialism and consolidates and develops this new type of ethnic relationship. It is our vision of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and accelerating Xinjiang’s A reliable guarantee of economic development.