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福建省位于我国的东南部,气候温和,雨量充足,药用植物种类繁多。省内多山,闽南气候温暖,终年不见霜雪,所以在福建可能采到寒带的药用植物,同时也可采到热带的药用植物。本站为了进一步的了解本省药用植物生产情况,本年内拟出发四次去采集标本,除重点的完成中国药学会所布置的工作外。我们还要附带采集233种常用中药的标本,以及民间所常用的草药标本,现在第一次采集标本工作已经完毕,地区是在闽南九个县市(包括闽西龙岩县),先作报导如下:三月初旬在诏安七区附近大柯山采集的有天门冬及大金英,在田园中采集的有鼠曲草及王不留行。在县府附近采到地骨皮、土荆芥、夏枯草、益母草,到 Fujian Province is located in the southeast of China, with a mild climate, abundant rainfall and a wide variety of medicinal plants. The province is mountainous, the warm climate of southern Fujian, and frost and snow are absent all year round. Therefore, it is possible to pick medicinal plants in the cold zone in Fujian, and also to collect tropical medicinal plants. In order to further understand the situation of the production of medicinal plants in this province, this site is planned to set off four times to collect specimens this year, with the exception of the focus on completing the work of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association. We also included the collection of 233 kinds of commonly used Chinese medicine specimens, as well as folk herbal specimens commonly used, and now the first collection of specimens has been completed, the region is located in the nine counties in southern Anhui (including Longyan County, Longxi), the first reported as follows : In early March, there were asparagus and Dajinying collected from Da Keshan near the 7th district of Luan. There were rat grass and king noodle in the pastoral area. In the vicinity of the prefecture, it was harvested from Digupi, Nepeta, Prunella, and Motherwort.
丹參為唇形科(Labiatae)植物丹參(Saluia miltiorrluza Bunge)的乾燥根。我國河北、山東、江西、安徽、江蘇、浙江、四川龍安、雲南昆明。滁縣、南京等地出產亦很多,其中以
Fritillaria davidii Franch.为白合科(Liliaceae)植物。其鳞茎在彭县天台山一带称为“土知母”,经查阅有关文献定为“米贝母”。由于近年来,国内药用 Fritillaria davidii
从学医到行医,迄今已四十八年,而真正懂得为革命、为人民钻研业务,则是解放后才开始的。因此,本文只是二十八年的杂缀。略作整理,分条就正! 用药制方要讲究配伍用药讲究配伍
我院1975年10月~1976年7月用复方补骨烯液治疗秃发93例,现将77年12月进行追访的51例情况报告如下: 药品制法:取补骨脂粉末若干,浸入75%酒精中,放置7天,过滤,滤渣再浸一次,合并
这是我家祖傳的一張方子,祖孫相傳,已歷四世,現在介紹於后: (1) 处方:当門子二钱西牛黄四分梅花冰片二錢腰雄黄一钱製甘石一钱(2) 制法:先將麝香(当門子)、西黄等研成極細末