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为积极推进中科院青年人才队伍建设,培养造就一支适应知识创新工程需要和跨世纪发展要求的青年创新人才队伍,通过树立青年楷模,昭示青年风采,激励全院青年开拓进取、奋发成才,中科院京区党委、人事教育局、办公厅、科技政策局、科学时报社和院团委联合组织开展了“第五届中国科学院杰出青年、优秀青年(事迹简介略)”评选活动。经中科院第五届杰出(优秀)青年评选委员会评选,评选领导小组审核、批准,决定授予相里斌等10名同志第五届“中国科学院杰出青年”荣誉称号:授予王世杰等28名同志第五届“中国科学院优秀青年”荣誉称号。值此“五四”青年节来临之际,希望受表彰的同志谦虚谨慎,保持荣誉,再创佳绩。全院青年要以中国科学院杰出青年、优秀青年为榜样,深入学习邓小平理论,为实施科教兴国和可持续发展伟大战略,全面推进知识创新工程试点工作,刻苦学习,勤奋工作,开拓创新,无私奉献,用无悔的青春谱写中国科学院青年科技报国、振兴中华的壮丽篇章。 In order to actively promote the construction of contingent of young talents of Chinese Academy of Sciences and cultivate a contingent of young innovative talents who adapt to the needs of knowledge innovation projects and cross-century development, through establishing young people model, showing the youth style, inspiring young people in the hospital to forge ahead and work hard, District Party Committee, Personnel and Education Bureau, General Office, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, Science Times News Agency and the Communist Youth League jointly organized “The Fifth Chinese Academy of outstanding young, outstanding youth (Brief introduction omitted) ” selection activities. The 5th Outstanding (Excellent) Young People Selection Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences selected and selected the leading group to review, approve and decide to award 10 comrades such as Xiang Libin The 5th “Excellent Young Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences” Honorary title: 28 comrades like Wang Shijie Fifth “outstanding young Chinese Academy of Sciences” honorary title. On the occasion of the “May 4th” Youth Day approaching, comrades who wish to be commended are modest and cautious in maintaining their honor and achieving greater success. The whole hospital should take the example of outstanding young people and outstanding young people of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as its example and study Deng Xiaoping Theory in depth so as to carry out the great strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of sustainable development, push forward the experimental work of knowledge innovation projects in an all-round way, study hard, study hard, pioneer and innovate, , With no regrets young people to write the Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Science and Technology to rejuvenate the magnificent chapter of China.
“嘿,司马光,别跑!救人欠我的旧账还没还呢!喂……”嗯,你问我是谁?没看见我是石头吗?什么,我的来历?我的来历可大了。我是上上上个世纪御花园里的一块“御石”,后来不幸流落民间……算了,言归正传,我刚才在讨债,因为我做了一件好事,司马光竟不给我报酬。你不信?那我就把故事讲给你听听。  话说那一天,我正躺在一处假山下晒太阳。司马光和一群小孩在我附近玩捉迷藏。眼见一个小孩跑来往假山上爬,我心想:这小鬼真
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